Canadian Open 2024

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  • Canadian Open 2024

    Is there a discussion about this already? I couldn't find one.

    Anyways, things are shaping up nicely, with a handful of GMs already on the list.

    Entry fees seem quite reasonable for a major tournament. I'd like to take a run at it, my preparations are well underway.

    Anybody else?


    edit: oops forgot the link.
    Last edited by Fred Henderson; Thursday, 2nd May, 2024, 01:30 PM.

  • #2
    It's on my 2nd half of the year chess schedule as my first tournament....hope I can keep it there!

    Bob A


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
      It's on my 2nd half of the year chess schedule as my first tournament....hope I can keep it there!

      Bob A
      Suppose you are forced to choose between the following two options...

      Leading the Democratic Marxist/Leninist party to power in Canada, with you as prime minister, but have no more time for chess or ...

      Discovering the secret to playing grandmaster level chess, and then winning the Canadian Open, but have no more time for politics.

      What would be your pick? One or the other.


      • #4
        Problem Fred: My Democratic Marxist Party of Ontario does NOT have the same policies as the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).

        Old-style USSR Marxism (Governing in a few countries currently) is a bastardization of Marx. Democratic Marxism is the legitimate embodiment (True to Marx' view of democracy and workers' rights.).

        Have to tweak your is a toughie!

        Bob A

        P.S. Do you think we are "hijacking" your thread?


        • #5
          yah, we are now. As is usually the case, you manage to slip away from a tough, direct question on a technicality. See you in Laval, I hope.


