2024 North American Jr Calgary

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  • 2024 North American Jr Calgary

    On August 14-18, 2024 Calgary will hold the North American Junior championship. The competition is for players born after January 1st, 2004. It is held in two sections open and girls. The winners earn a GM/WGM norm and IM/WIM title. 80 players already registered and maximum capacity is 120. You can see the details and register at: https://najcc.com/NAJCC/WebPage/WebP...4/Registration

  • #2
    It looks like the tournament will have a record breaking attendance. Fortunately, we secured more space from the hotel so despite the fact that the 120 limit has been reached so we are happy to accept more entries!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Vlad Rekhson View Post
      It looks like the tournament will have a record breaking attendance. Fortunately, we secured more space from the hotel so despite the fact that the 120 limit has been reached so we are happy to accept more entries!
      Now that's great organising!


      • #4
        The early bird for the 2024 North American Junior in Calgary ends tonight (May 31st). We have a record breaking attendance for this event and as a result we have changed the venue to a larger one in the same hotel but it can now accommodate up to 200 participants!

        Please register and find out the event information at: https://najcc.com/NAJCC/event/event/2427


        • #5
          This is a friendly reminder that the registration for the upcoming North American Junior in Calgary is about to close at 11:30 pm on August 10th. With 160 participants this is the largest NAJCC in history. To find out all the details and register please visit: https://najcc.com/NAJCC/event/event/2427


          • #6
            Seems that you guys have done a stellar marketing job, Vlad.

            Congratulations - have a great tournament.

            Bob A

