All games from the Montreal Maplewood Pro

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  • All games from the Montreal Maplewood Pro

    All 123 games from the Maplewood Pro are available.

    You may have to open the full link on a new page (add http:// at the front):
    Last edited by Hugh Brodie; Thursday, 6th June, 2024, 01:41 PM.

  • #2
    Hugh, not sure if you are aware -- the top 12 boards of the 2024 Ontario Open were broadcasted; you might be interested in adding those games to the database.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Heidi Gay View Post
      Hugh, not sure if you are aware -- the top 12 boards of the 2024 Ontario Open were broadcasted; you might be interested in adding those games to the database.
      Yes - I already got them, thanks.


      • #4
        Super -- tried messaging you privately, but couldn't -- what's your email? If I have time, I can potentially send you the rest of the games from the Crown and U2200 sections...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Heidi Gay View Post
          Super -- tried messaging you privately, but couldn't -- what's your email? If I have time, I can potentially send you the rest of the games from the Crown and U2200 sections...
          hugh (dot) brodie (at) mcgill (dot) ca. My suggestion would be to give any scoresheets to Omar Shah, and he will get them to me the next time he's in Montreal.


          • #6
            I'll be in MTL for CYCC and CO as well.

