CFC Forum non-responsive

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  • CFC Forum non-responsive

    Seems frozen or down or just dead, Jim:
    ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.

  • #2
    It's been working for me since yesterday, after being down for about tendays.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
      It's been working for me since yesterday, after being down for about tendays.
      Yes, that seems right... I noticed it come back up yesterday but at the time I posted, it seems their server was having some issues or perhaps they were doing some maintenance (although it was simply not responding at all at the time). I see as of this moment, it is back online.
      ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


      • #4
        It is up temporarily pending the upgrade to a new server which has apparently had some hiccups. It should allow us to have the VM meeting starting next weekend.


        • #5
          Hello everyone.

          We are working towards a more permanent solution for the CFC forum.
          It maybe hit & miss for a while, but we'll get there.

          Please be patient. Thanks.

