FIDE ratings - new minimum time controls

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  • FIDE ratings - new minimum time controls

    Hello everyone,

    I have received some emails today regarding missing FIDE rated games on the update today (July 1).
    Before I receive anymore, I want to alert players and arbiters to a relatively new FIDE regulation.

    It deals with minimum time controls for standard rated games.

    If one or both of the players are rated > 2400, then the TC must be at least 2 hours per player.
    If one or both of the players are rated >1800, then the TC must be at least 90 minutes per player.

    Maplewood Professional Cup was 60 minutes plus 30 second increment, thus 90 minutes based on 60 moves.

    There were 4 players greater than 2400,

    Razvan Preotu
    Nikolay Noritsyn
    Anthony Atanasov
    Krishna G V Sai

    Thus if you played one of these gentlemen, your game will not be FIDE rated.
