Chess Canada

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  • Chess Canada

    I received a friendly email from the CFC office wishing me a Happy Canada Day (Thanks Bob - same to you!) (actually its to all members) and enclosing a link to the newest issue of Chess Canada. I am thrilled. I've played over one game so far and just have to find time to read and enjoy the others. Thanks to John Upper! Its nice to see our top Canadian players commenting and analysing extensively.
    Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 1st July, 2024, 12:20 PM.

  • #2
    On page 83 there is a note from the editor saying: "Chessbase 17 crashed many times when compiling this issue, but only twice it was so bad I wanted to sledgehammer their programmer's thumbs" etc.
    Thank God I am no longer editor. You're welcome to the job John. Long may you run and fume. (but obviously the rewards still outweigh the frustrations)


    • #3
      While I have Chessbase 17 on my main computer, the engines seem to crash when I try to use them. I usually use Chessbase 15 if I want to be able to use an engine. My system has an i9 processor with eight cores and 16 GBytes of RAM. Does anyone know if more memory would resolve these crashes? I am fine with defaulting to Chessbase 15 as it is fine for my purposes.


      • #4
        Thanks for the kind words Hans!

        Upcoming issues include annotations by GM SRL (best games), IM Johnathan Han (How I won... Gatineau Open (5/5!)), and (maybe?) IM Shiyam Thavandiran (How I won... Canadian Zonal).
        After those, and maybe another issue or two, I'll quit.

        PDFs and PGNs can be downloaded here:

        RE: chessbase software
        I've owned and used Chessbase database software versions 9, 13, 15, and 17, and have always kept them up to date. They have always been buggy and continue to be buggy, with updates providing a fresh supply of bugs. The latest is that CB17 is now my only program that won't recognize (some of) my keyboard shortcuts (Alt+F2 doesn't start the engine, even though hovering over the Default Kibitzer button shows that this is the shortcut).

        The problem Vlad mentioned about the engines loading seems to have been fixed by an update, but that update introduced new lack of a previous feature that was important to people like me who export annotations to text files for publication. Like Vlad, I also keep my older version of CB15 (version 15.2, since later updates introduced and retained an exporting bug) on a second computer, as it is the last one that could properly export database games in a usable format.

        I'm not 100% in favour of Chessbase going bankrupt, but.....


        • #5
          So John, how long have you been editor? I know its a long time.....

