80+ y.o. Canadian Chess Players Still Active!

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  • #31
    Thanks Hans.......will check Thomas out.

    Bob A


    • #32
      Thomas R Verny...1936: now added to our list in Post # 24 (24/7/18).

      However this is only tentative.....I am, at this point, unable to confirm that he has played in an official CFC-rated tournament within the last two years. If someone who knows him could ask him this, then we'd know which list he is actually on.


      Bob A
      Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Saturday, 20th July, 2024, 06:10 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gerry Litchfield View Post
        Cal Simpson, CFC rated 1520 - St Marys Ontario, DOB July 1921 age 103 is still playing chess online.
        I will try to visit him and get his user name.
        Hey Gerry, Maybe you could organize a match between Cal and Thomas. That would be a good way for Cal to get a current CFC rating.


        • #34
          Thomas Verny has been an active player all along, perhaps the only over the board limiting of play was during the Covid period. I do remember him playing in a KW chess club event last year and also an event at the Concordia club.


          • #35
            Thomas Verny beat me 4-2 in a 6 game rated match just recently.
            Not yet posted by CFC for reasons unknown.
            He is already 88 years old, DOB early part of year 1936.

            Cal Simpson is living in St Marys (not St Mary's)
            He moved into town St Marys from nearby Lakeside about 10 years ago.
            I will also see if I can get a copy of his game score sheet with F-A Philidor...

            At London Chess Club still playing regularly full on tournament chess but not CFC games;
            Steve Killi dob 1934
            Miro Hudecek dob 1942


            • #36
              Hi Gerry:


              Due to your CFC Match with Thomas, I'll treat that as confirmation of being CFC-rated active in the last 2 years, even though it is as of yet not rated.

              Cal Simpson - we will still need confirmation if he has played a CFC-rated tournament in the last 2 years. If you can find that out, one way or the other, then we will know which list to put him on.

              I will add Steve and Miro to the "Ineligible" list, since it seems they are not playing in CFC-rated tournaments or FIDE-rated tournaments.

              See Post # 24 (24/7/12) where updates are made.

              Bob A
              Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Sunday, 21st July, 2024, 09:27 AM.


              • #37
                I have discovered that some seniors on the ineligible list should, tentatively anyway, be on the active list.

                As well, the * is missing from some on the active list.

                I will be doing revisions over the next while.

                In the meantime.........any other Canadian players 80 years or over that you know, still playing?

                Bob A


                • #38
                  I have now made all updates to the 3 lists (Post # 24 - 24/7/12)

                  Bob A


                  • #39
                    80+ Post - re-posted below: Post # 72 (24/7/24)
                    Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Wednesday, 24th July, 2024, 09:06 AM.


                    • #40
                      Hi Bob, I have a feeling that more seniors will venture out to play as we become more normal after Covid. Maybe what I'm saying is expect to see more participation in the next couple of years.


                      • #41
                        Milan Zagar ded years ago. As did Peter Avery.


                        • #42
                          Thanks Hugh - will note this on Post # 39 - 24/7/22 (Where revisions are being done)

                          Bob A
                          Last edited by Bob Armstrong; Monday, 22nd July, 2024, 02:17 PM.


                          • #43
                            Bob. Why don't you just look the seniors up on the CFC and FIDE web sites, instead of asking people if they know if the seniors are active ?


                            • #44
                              Hi Fred:

                              The CFC database has no birth year. So I can only get it if the senior has a FIDE-rating (And the FIDE database is incomplete). Bob Gillanders has confirmed that he cannot help me at all with the current CFC database.

                              Bob A


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                                Hi Fred:

                                The CFC database has no birth year. So I can only get it if the senior has a FIDE-rating (And the FIDE database is incomplete). Bob Gillanders has confirmed that he cannot help me at all with the current CFC database.

                                Bob A
                                I believe Fred’s point was that those databases tell you if someone is active. For your purposes, if they are inactive, they don’t belong on your list regardless of the reason. Someone who has been dead for years will also show up as inactive

