Something different! 4.Nh3 vs. Nimzo-Indian, E20

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  • #16
    Thanks, Hans, for the kind words. David Cohen was truly exceptional in his contributions to Canadian chess!

    Now, Hans, what do you think of my games, posted here, in this Nimzo line!?

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!!


    • #17
      I'll have a look, Frank,

      Merry Christmas to you and wishes for a wonderful Happy New Year as well.


      • #18
        Hi Frank, First of all I envy you that you have an opening system that you've stayed with from the beginning and through your tournament years. The only thing close for me is 1.Nf3 which I started with and kept coming back to. When one first looks at 4.Nh3 one tends to think - what the heck? - but on closer look you have many ideas to complement it. - so I say kudos on your part. Its counterintuitve in that the knight on h3 is slow to get into play but the ideas are there.
        I looked at the David Cohen game first and your play was enterprising from the start - although Black's play was vintage David - brilliant play followed by off the cuff moves. Congratulations on your incisive play and congratulations to David for making you look like a genius.
        I only looked at two other games closely. First the one with Geoff Mackay. Its clear you could have won much more quickly although you must have enjoyed the attack. Then I went to the Dr Roger Kewley game looking for more solid play for Black. However 10.Bxh7+ should have been played and Black is sorely busted. Are you sure the scoresheet is correct?
        Anyways, you present many ideas of creative play and I think the opening is a very viable one.

