Future Canadian Opens.

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  • Future Canadian Opens.

    I expect things are decided on an east/west basis, much like our political leaders are chosen. I only remember two Canadian Opens in Ontario, the first in Kapuskasing and one later I believe at the Metro Toronto Convention Center. What are the chances of seeing one in southern Ontario soon? Kitchener seems like an obvious choice, for a few reasons. nudge nudge, wink wink.


  • #2
    Held in Ontario in 2022, 2017, 2016. 2013. 2011, 2010. Not held at all in 2020 or 2021.


    • #3
      Thanks, Mr Brodie.

      OK, so I guess I wasn't paying attention, or else I would have remembered. Given that it has been held so often in Ontario, I won't be holding my breath for another any time soon. Not that it matters. I can't see myself staying in Canada much past the end of next year ( the big 65). Probably I go somewhere completely different, where chess is popular, have a few good options.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Fred Henderson View Post

        Given that it has been held so often in Ontario, I won't be holding my breath for another any time soon.
        Considering that in 2023 (Alberta), 2024 (Quebec), and 2025 (British Columbia) the CO was / will be held outside Ontario, I'd make a case for it to return to Ontario already in 2026.
        The 3 provinces listed above are the other bigger ones outside Ontario where chess happens, and I have heard rumours that there will be bids from Ontario to run 2026 Canadian Open.
        And as you can see from Hugh's data there, it's cycled through Ontario every 3 or 4 editions, not counting covid.
        So as you retire, maybe before going abroad, Fred, who knows...


        • #5
          Hah! British Columbia it is. I was planning to return to my home province for a while anyways. Vancouver to Toronto came after I finished university in 1985. I can tell you a good story about the train trip across. As we were approaching Kenora from the west, the conductor came through the cars with a message something like "There are a bunch of "people" getting on in Kenora. If any of them give you any trouble, just let us now. WTF? I wasn't too pleased. Anyways, as we pull into Kenora, we see that the station is packed with clean cut sun-tanned guys in their late teens, all carrying packs. The word got around that they were high school kids coming home from a summer of planting trees. As they boarded, I could hear the bottles clinking, mostly 26ers of hard stuff, whiskey and the like. So as the lights went down, somewhere along the north shore, they all hit the sauce. The inevitable happened an hour or two later. Liquid vomit. One at a time, from various parts of he car. Bleeeeaagghhh SPLASH!!!. I'll always remember this onle little old lady somewhere in the back... "I can't take this anymore, I'm getting off at the next stop". At some point the porters went through the train and dragged them all into the same car and cleaned up some of the mess, i guess. I remember as I got off in Sudbury, I took a quick glance inside the car. I'll leave that one to your imagination.

          Thanks, Alex for this opportunity, and god bless Justin Trudeau. Just watch me.


          • #6
            Just curious: does the CFC actively promote/suggest where future Canadian Opens happen or does it just get awarded to the province with the best application?


            • #7
              Further to the previous question, what role does being near a major population center play. Having a tournament in say, Dryden, might affect the turnout, no? How successful was Kapuscasing. It got high marks from those who played, but I can't see it being that well attended by the lower end(financially), southern ontario player


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chris White View Post
                Just curious: does the CFC actively promote/suggest where future Canadian Opens happen or does it just get awarded to the province with the best application?
                It is usually awarded to the organizer with the best proposal/application though sometimes it comes down to whose turn it is. In general it should follow membership numbers so if 50% of the members are from Ontario, it will usually go to Ontario half the time and it probably has. Where there are two equivalent options, the voting members decide. If there is only one option and it is somehow substandard, we will not necessarily accept it. We are capable of organizing it ourselves.

