Olympiad pairings

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  • #46
    Its round 6 last round before the rest day. Im sure the team has put the last match behind them and Im very comfortable seeing Shiyam and Nikolay as the Black specialists and Shawn and Razvan as the White specialists. Go Canada go!!


    • #47
      Shawn's pieces are gathering for assault. Should be an interesting attack.
      Shawn did sacrifice on f5 but his opponent defended well and so Shawn has chosen to play an interesting endgame.
      Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 16th September, 2024, 12:46 PM.


      • #48
        Bravo Shiyam! - bold king walk from f8 to a8!

        and now a queen sacrifice - wild!
        Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 16th September, 2024, 01:56 PM.


        • #49
          Razvan also has an interesting endgame. Both our White specialists have decided to go into interesting endgames for my viewing pleasure! (tongue in cheek) I'm loving it.


          • #50
            First win of the match for Team Canada! Razvan in the endgame! Bravo Razvan! Go Team Canada Go!

            A few minutes later Shawn's passed pawn break through was too much!!

            A double whammy for Team Canada 2-0! and the other two games look good!
            Last edited by Hans Jung; Monday, 16th September, 2024, 12:59 PM.


            • #51
              Alas both Nikolay and Shiyam could not hold their games but still Team Canada ties Turkey!


              • #52
                The Canadian women beat Belgium.


                • #53
                  Le Quang Liem won a clutch endgame against Ding Liren to salvage a tie - Vietnam - China on top board!

                  Also Vidit and Erigaisi came through with endgame wins to force a win against Hungary! Arjun Erigaisi in particular won amazingly, in that earlier I had remarked to myself that it was the first time I had seen him enter an endgame that was equal. As a result India is in the lead and Erigaisi is streaking with 6 out of 6!!

                  It was a round for critical endgames and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


                  • #54
                    Tomorrow, Tuesday the 17th is a rest day.


                    • #55
                      At the half I think Team Canada is doing very well. They are officially in 40th position but when you look at the cross table there are a massive number of teams at 8 points, Canada included. A better way to read the crosstable is to see that there are only 20 teams ahead of Canada over all. Another point is that the US is only one point ahead of Canada (with all their legendary team members).

                      Team Canada has excellent synergy and great energy and a positive outlook. Razvan is performing just over 2800 with an almost perfect score. Shawn is playing extremely well with some key wins. Shiyam with exclusively Black pairings is performing well with some key wins. Nikolay has had a match winner and a match equalizer to his credit. Raja's amazing draw against the Czech's was a match winner.

                      I expect some more amazing upsets from the "giant killers of the open section" (Peter Svidler's famous words).

                      Go Team Canada Go!


                      • #56
                        Rd 7 Team Canada plays Slovenia. Canadian women play Bulgaria


                        • #57
                          Team Canada lost to Slovenia 1-3 . The women lost to Bulgaria 1.5-2.5


                          • #58
                            Nice interview


                            • #59
                              Chile-Guatemala (women) had a BNK vs K ending. If the game score is correct, White (Chile) took 53 moves to perform the mate. There does not appear to be any 50-move draw claimed.


                              • #60
                                Rd 8 Team Canada plays New Zealand, Canadian women play Australia.

