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  • India-China

    The long awaited big match India-China is now happening.

  • #2
    Wei Yi plays 4...e5 An attempt to steer to drawn waters?
    Last edited by Hans Jung; Wednesday, 18th September, 2024, 10:40 AM.


    • #3
      Ding is sitting out this match.


      • #4
        3 draws on the bottom three boards set up the stunning finish in the Gukesh - Wei Yi game. In the middlegame Gukesh won two knights for a rook and went into an endgame with a passed F-pawn. Wei Yi made it as difficult as possible with potentially two passed rook pawns which are notorously hard for the knights to stop. With very precise play and timing Gukesh won one passed rook pawn and managed to nurse his passed pawn forward to queen. It proved unstoppable. Hard to describe the tension and drama without being there. Suffice it to say the Gukesh game was the win that decided the match. Congratulations to India. They seem unstoppable.

