Is the Kingston Open on this weekend?!

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  • Is the Kingston Open on this weekend?!

    My cell phone has been ringing off the hook, and my email inbox has been filling up. People want to know if the Kingston Open is on this weekend, but I do not know anything more than the rest of you! The EOCA Executive has been asking the Organizer/TD, Frank Dixon, to announce the details for his event, and are offering the EOCA website to post that info.

    However, it seems that Frank has been battling flu symptoms for at least a few weeks, and if he has relapsed, then I doubt he is even reading his emails. I do not know what else to say. We all just have to wait for Frank to announce/post the Kingston Open details. Until then, please understand that I cannot reply to every phone call and email. Please direct those directly to Frank himself. As the Organizer/TD, he is in charge of the Kingston Open.

    If the event takes place, with Frank submitting his Grand Prix fee (only a total of $10), then barring something exceptional, the Kingston Open results woud be included in the 2009-2010 EOCA Grand Prix. Otherwise, the EOCA Executive will meet to decide what to do.

    Sorry that this post probably has not been very helpful to the players considering hauling to Kingston this weekend, but I hope that you can appreciate that I am waiting for the same information just like everyone else. I was going to attend this event, but with the lack of details, I didn't post it on the family calendar, and my wife has since found other things for us that weekend, LOL. If anyone can help by contacting Frank, please do so!

    All the best.

  • #2
    Re: Is the Kingston Open on this weekend?!

    Hi again, just in case interested people did not see Frank's cancellation post yesterday, this post is to reiterate that, due to health reasons, Frank had to cancel the Kingston Open that had been planned for this coming weekend. We wish him a speedy recovery.


    • #3
      Re: Is the Kingston Open on this weekend?!

      Just a repeat of that information, as below:
      Frank Dixon is on a distinguished road

      Default With regrets, must cancel 2009 Kingston Open
      I profoundly regret having to cancel the 2009 Kingston Open, which was scheduled for Nov. 14-15.

      Unfortunately, my health situation, as discussed last week on this site, has deteriorated further, and there is no one available in the Kingston area on such short notice who could fill in as organizer and director.

      My heartfelt apologies to all players who had planned to play this tournament. I know it has been a favourite event for quite a few people.

      I'm hoping that at some time in the future, I can make it up to those chessplayers whom I have disappointed this time. But right now, I have to focus on trying to get healthy again.

      Frank Dixon
      Organizer, Kingston "

