Canadian Chess Hall of Fame

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  • Canadian Chess Hall of Fame

    The Canadian Chess Hall of Fame Committee is accepting nominations for the Class of 2025, until Sunday, November 24. We welcome discussion of any nominations made. The complete list of the current Hall of Fane can be seen at the following site:

    A useful resource is David Cohen's Canadian Biography Site (last updated in 2018)

    Canadian Hall of Fame Committee Chair

    other members include: Larry Bevand, Hugh Brodie, Ian Findlay, and Stephen Wright
    Last edited by Fred McKim; Sunday, 26th January, 2025, 07:58 PM.

  • #2
    I nominate IM Deen Hergott (born Kitchener, 1962).

    Deen has been a Canadian Junior Champion, a many-time member of the Canadian Olympiad Team, a tremendous writer and contributor to the En Passant / Chess Canada magazine over a period of several years, and an excellent newspaper columnist with the 'Ottawa Citizen' newspaper. He has had many successful international tournament performances, in Europe, Latin America, and the USA. Deen has also been a creative openings originator, most notably with his devastating adoption of the so-called new variation 'Dutch Benoni' / 'Beefeater' variation (1.d4 c5 2.d5 g6 3.c4 Bg7 4.Nc3 Bxc3+ 5.bxc3 f5), from the mid-1980s onward. Deen is a mathematics honors graduate of the University of Waterloo, which he has represented in international college team play.

    In addition to his wide-ranging chess achievements covering several decades, Deen has been a complete class act throughout his career, and is highly respected in the chess world, both in Canada and internationally.

    I believe Deen would be a most worthy selection for the Canadian Chess Hall of Fame.

    Best regards,
    Frank Dixon
    NTD, Kingston


    • #3
      Originally posted by Frank Dixon View Post
      I nominate IM Deen Hergott (born Kitchener, 1962).
      Thank you Frank, we'll see that Deen receives consideration and great career recap.



      • #4
        Please consider Maurice Smith from Toronto (or Scarborough). He is known for his organization skills - many years in CFC execs including presidency, Scarborough chess club. I hope older generation would add more high points of his (chess) career.


        • #5
          Thanks Egidijus

          We'll add Maurice to the mix.


          • #6
            How about FM Richard Bérubé?

            Not particularly well-known outside of Quebec, he's been the workhorse for the FQE for decades (his Linkedin says almost 30 years) and has coached a number of top Quebec players, including GM Pascal Charbonneau and FM Lefong Hua. I'm rather surprised he's not already in the Hall.
            "Tom is a well known racist, and like most of them he won't admit it, possibly even to himself." - Ed Seedhouse, October 4, 2020.


            • #7
              Thanks to Fred for his receipt of my nomination of IM Deen Hergott. I add to my info that Deen has been winner and high finisher at many dozens of Canadian events, over a period of more than 20 years, from the late 1970s onward; it would take deep research to find his extensive list of achievements there!!! For example, at least two Kingston Opens which I was involved with organizing. He also scored at least one GM Norm, in an American event, circa mid-1990s.


              • #8
                Maurice Smith: Is still very active, both as an administrator (Current Vice-President of SCC, and has been for a few years, after very many years as President) and player (Scarborough CC every Thursday).

                I believe he celebrated his 90th birthday in 2024 (Or maybe it will be in 2025).

                Bob A


                • #9
                  Richard Bérubé has been around for a long time. He organized the 1981 Canadian Open in Quebec City (I remember Igor Ivanov getting an orange juice from the bar during his game, and adding "something" from a paper bag he had under his table).


                  • #10
                    We'll add both Richard Berube and Maurice Smith to the consideration list. Thanks Tom and Bob for your suggestions.


                    • #11
                      re Maurice Smith - Egis was the first to suggest Maurice; I was supporting that by providing a bit more relevant, current info on Maurice.

                      Bob A


                      • #12
                        The moment Fred Mckim stops being involved with the selection process, I will be nominating him as a builder.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ken Craft View Post
                          The moment Fred Mckim stops being involved with the selection process, I will be nominating him as a builder.
                          Thanks, Ken. You are correct, nominations of any the Committee members would be inappropriate.


                          • #14
                            I nominate Salim Belcadi of Annex Chess Club. Top GMs are participating in Salim's tournaments.


                            • #15
                              We will put Salim up for consideration.

