Remembrance Day

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  • Remembrance Day

    This day has been gathering sentiment as the years go by. Three of my dad's older brothers served in WWII, as did my father in law. I'm sure many chess talkers have similar connections to November 11.

    The poem "In Flanders Fields" was written by a Guelph lad, Col. John McCrae and over the years little brother and I have played around with its recital. The rhyming scheme can be distraction to the words themselves.

    Last year brother Willard put the poem to music and crafted a real time video, using some of our late uncle's gear. There have been a few attempts to put the poem to music but I'm partial to this one.

  • #2
    Re: Remembrance Day


    Very touching tune and video. You and your brother have a very striking resemblance!

    Thanks for posting that!

    No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


    • #3
      Re: Remembrance Day

      Thanks Hal.
      I agree that this day has grown to have more meaning as I've grown older. I've had two brothers, a cousin and a couple of in-laws serve and have sent them this link to help express my thanks for all they've done and been willing to do so we can be safe at home.


      • #4
        Re: Remembrance Day

        Hal, thank you ...


        • #5
          Re: Remembrance Day

          Originally posted by Hal Bond View Post
          The rhyming scheme can be distraction to the words themselves.

          There have been a few attempts to put the poem to music but I'm partial to this one.
          Hi Hal:

          I'm not sure it's possible to get the full gist of the poem if put to music but that's link's certainly very, very good. This was a poem that all kids had drummed into them in school, often to the point of not understanding what it was about. I agree that the rhythm or cadence of the poem often overshadows the words and the meaning, but when spoken well it screws you into your seat and fills your mind with sorrow.


          P.S. for another song/poem that's along these lines I would recommend Eric Bogle's "Green Fields of France" (if I remember correctly).


          • #6
            Re: Remembrance Day

            Another moving song (listen closely to all 8+ plus minutes of it) is "And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" - about an Australian soldier at Gallipoli in WWI.

            Here's a link to the John McDermott version of the song - the best version that I've heard.


            McDermott's version of the previously mentioned "The Green Fields of France" can be found at:



            • #7
              Re: Remembrance Day

              Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
              Another moving song (listen closely to all 8+ plus minutes of it) is "And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" - about an Australian soldier at Gallipoli in WWI.
              Indeed. Someday no-one will march there at all.

              But not today.

              Peace and remembrance.



              • #8
                Re: Remembrance Day

                While it is important to remember the sacrifices of so many, still I hope profoundly that a day will come when even the memory of war fades from human consciousness.


                • #9
                  Re: Remembrance Day

                  Lets honor Peace and Remembrance.


                  • #10
                    Re: Remembrance Day

                    Originally posted by Hal Bond View Post
                    This day has been gathering sentiment as the years go by. Three of my dad's older brothers served in WWII, as did my father in law. I'm sure many chess talkers have similar connections to November 11.
                    Yes. Here's one. My uncle George.
                    Last edited by Gary Ruben; Sunday, 15th November, 2009, 07:54 PM.
                    Gary Ruben
                    CC - IA and SIM

