Egidijus problem

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  • Egidijus problem

    It is a zugzwang problem, so thanks for that. In the solution is there a mate in two? (question for Egidijus) I see a mate in three but I would like to post the correct solution.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Hans Jung View Post
    It is a zugzwang problem, so thanks for that. In the solution is there a mate in two? (question for Egidijus) I see a mate in three but I would like to post the correct solution.

    The game continued like 1...Rc8+ (or Rc7+) 2. Kb5 Rc6 (mate with the knight on c7) Though, White could start giving up all rooks. Thus the solution is quite long. Also Nc7# could be exchanged with Nc3#. The actual problem should take care of those additional moves. Maybe remove the first check.


    • #3
      I think this one is good enough as a problem and example of zugzwang. The second move for Black (Rc6) is the zugzwang move. Even with White giving up both rooks its mate in six. I'll put that in the solution.

