Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...

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  • Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...

    Kelly Kulick of Union, NJ, won $40,000 in a Professional Bowler's Association (PBA) tournament. When the WPBA folded a couple of years ago, she started playing in "men's" tournaments.

  • #2
    Re: Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...

    Another? Which other male-dominated sport has a female champion?
    No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


    • #3
      Re: Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...

      Slowly ..., but slowly, females are moving ahead! Bravo!



      • #4
        Re: Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...

        Which other male-dominated sport has a female champion?
        There have been successful female jockeys (horse racing) and NASCAR drivers.

        The 2003 Badwater Ultramarathon (135 miles from Death Valley to 8000 feet up Mt. Whitney (California)) was won by a 42-year old woman. 72 competitors.

        Some where it could happen:

        There are two Olympics sports in which men and women compete equally.

        1) Equestrian (all 6 events).
        2) Sailing (3 events).

        The pistol competitions were segregated a few Olympics ago.

        A woman usually finishes in the top three in the annual Nathan's HotDog eating contest at Coney Island, New York.


        • #5
          Re: Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...


          I totally forgot about Danica Patrick (NASCAR).

          I'm not surprised a woman would have won an ultra-marathon where men were also competing. While the average male is stronger and can handle more physical pressure over a short period of time than the average woman, the average woman can outlast the average man at expending equivalent amounts of energy.

          Thanks for the sports-history lesson!! Jordan
          No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


          • #6
            Re: Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...

            Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
            Canada's Susan Nattrass had a best finish, in mixed competition trap shooting, of 21st in the Olympics. In a speech she gave in the late 1970s, she intimated that the reason she didn't do better was not that she was a woman, but that the shooters of other countries (she mentioned Italy as an example) got way better $upport.

            "Dr. Nattrass was recently featured on the Women Warriors site, which is dedicated to showcasing the talents of female athletes and providing role models to girls and women." from a testimonial, but it turns out that the linked Women Warriors site was taken over by a ... dating service!

            Women were best at Marathon Swimming. Remember Marilyn Bell, Florence Chadwick...?


            • #7
              Re: Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...

              Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
              There have been successful female jockeys (horse racing) and NASCAR drivers.

              The 2003 Badwater Ultramarathon (135 miles from Death Valley to 8000 feet up Mt. Whitney (California)) was won by a 42-year old woman. 72 competitors.

              Some where it could happen:

              There are two Olympics sports in which men and women compete equally.

              1) Equestrian (all 6 events).
              2) Sailing (3 events).

              The pistol competitions were segregated a few Olympics ago.

              A woman usually finishes in the top three in the annual Nathan's HotDog eating contest at Coney Island, New York.
              In another thread, Larry Bevand mentions the following:

              The 2010 North American Youth Chess Championship will be in Montreal from Aug 16 -18, 2010

              Under 8...Championship, Under 8...Girls

              Under 10...Championship, Under 10...Girls

              Under 12...Championship, Under 12...Girls

              Under 14...Championship, Under 14...Girls

              Under 16...Championship, Under 16...Girls

              Under 18...Championship, Under 18...Girls

              I have to wonder what the majority of professional women chess players think about this (and about separate mens and womens chess championships in general).

              There's two things going on in the above tournament (neither of which originate with Larry Bevand, I am sure): the first is separation of the boys from the girls. The second is that the boys event is called the "Championship" and the girls is called... "Girls".

              I wonder if Scrabble competitions do this, or Bridge tournaments, or professional Dart tournaments. Poker does have separate Ladies events, but women are free to and do take part in mens events, and of course, I know women do this in major chess tournaments as well. But in the case above of separating the kids, it seems the girls are being brainwashed at very susceptible ages that they can not hope to be as good as the boys.
              Only the rushing is heard...
              Onward flies the bird.


              • #8
                Re: Another male-dominated sport gets a female champion...

                It occurred to me that maybe there isn't an actual separation of the boys and the girls in this tournament, maybe they do play each other and Larry just listed separate prizes?

                If that is the case, I would assume the rationale is that the girls need their own prizes as incentive for them to play chess? At some point, a girl will think to herself that, "I guess we're not as good as the boys so they have to give us our own prizes". So again, you have the psychological beat-down.

                I would think the merits of playing chess should be used as the sole incentive, to both boys and girls. This is one thing I'm pretty sure the major poker events do NOT do, they do not award separate prizes to women in mixed events.
                Only the rushing is heard...
                Onward flies the bird.

