Canada will endorse Karpov?

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  • #31
    Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

    In his excellent website (crestbook), Moscow GM Sergei Shipov wrote today that the Russian Federation will probably meet on June 4 and he expects that Kirsan Ilyumzhinov will be nominated.

    "However, the cynicism of the current action of the new head RCF can play a trick on him in the international arena. We get the FIDE President Anatoly Karpov and totally alien to his native country a federation ...

    PS There is a reasonable question - How does a spectacular seizure of power in the RCF Dvorkovich with a known indication of Russian President Medvedev, which prohibits gos.chinovnikam lead sports Federation? In my opinion, there is a contradiction . Actually, the whole meaning of the February congress just that and was to hide Zhukov and Dvorkovich in the shadow of Bach and collegial responsibility. And now everything and were back on the light.

    PPS By the way, it would be interesting to know how is Alexander Zhukov to the current developments in the RCF. He became head of the Russian Olympic Committee, but has not forgotten about chess. As recently as yesterday, expressed the view that chess should be included in the family of Olympic sports. But his colleagues at this time staged Olympic passion in the offices TSSHK. But there was little chess. Rather, it was freestyle wrestling. Or fight without rules."


    • #32
      Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

      Originally posted by Paul Bonham View Post
      Unfortunately, everything you wrote is irrelevant -- even aside from the comparison to poker, which always (at least I know of no exception) pays prizes FROM ENTRY FEES and gets no complaints for doing so.
      Who gets the TV money?

      The players making the pot and others making money from filming them, selling advertising, etc. It doesn't add up to me.
      Gary Ruben
      CC - IA and SIM


      • #33
        Re: Karpov/Russian Federation

        Karpov should fix the comical Russian Federation first, then having proven himself, he can fix whatever he thinks is wrong with FIDE.


        • #34
          Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

          wow Jean Hebert just got eviscerated equivalent to one of Jon Stewart's 'boom' moments.

          Even if Karpov isn't a good president (which I believe he will be), maybe he won't even be a decent one, but is it even possible to be worse than Ilyumzhinov?
          University and Chess, a difficult mix.


          • #35
            Chessninja thread

            There is a thread at ChessNinja with an interesting intro by Mig and yer usual assortment of insightful and moronic comments appended. The FIDE elections are shaping up to be a real exercise in Realpolitik. It's like a chess game.


            • #36
              Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

              This election is turning out to be a delight for chess journalists. Mig has written 2 new articles.

              He compares FIDE to FIFA and he lists a series of yet unanswered questions:

              He posted a new thread at chessninja:


              • #37
                Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

                Here is an extract of an article showing the colorful trait the current FIDE president.

                "Ilyumzhinov claims to have formulated Kalmykian state policy by consulting a local witch and has a brand of vodka named after him. He also favours appearing at public occasions dressed as Genghis Khan, seated on a white charger. His prospects of defeating Mr Karpov for the leadership of Fide are high, however. Although chess organisations in Europe and the US will doubtless back Mr Karpov, most small countries with little chess background will favour Mr Ilyumzhinov." Times of London, May 24

                If the CFC governors are sure of their choice, the advantage of issuing a press release early in the race is recognition and publicity. Future articles in the press would state that chess organisations in Europe and North America back Karpov.
                Last edited by Jean Sasseville; Monday, 24th May, 2010, 02:27 PM.


                • #38
                  Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

                  Originally posted by Jean Sasseville View Post
                  Here is an extract of an article showing the colorful trait the current FIDE president.

                  Although chess organisations in Europe and the US will doubtless back Mr Karpov, most small countries with little chess background will favour Mr Ilyumzhinov." Times of London, May 24.
                  Will Canada (the CFC) act like a big country with some chess background or like a small country with little chess background, or like a big country with little chess background ? :)


                  • #39
                    Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?


                    Ilyumzhinov is suing former world chess champion Anatoly Karpov for libel. Anatoly Karpov earlier accused FIDE of corruption:

                    Ilyumzhinov and Dvorkovich decided not to attend May 14 RCF meeting. In the following days Dvorkovich has sent guards to Chess House. Now Ilyumzhinov claims that a group of supporters of Karpov and Kasparov broke into the Chess House in downtown Moscow and seized the property.

                    Dirty warfare.


                    • #40
                      Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

                      Karpov got another African country: Angola. He had already Egypt and Congo.

                      Nigel Short is touring many countries. This week he was in Uganda:

                      Making inroads in Africa and the Pacific Rim is critical.
                      Last edited by Jean Sasseville; Friday, 4th June, 2010, 05:50 PM.


                      • #41
                        Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

                        Originally posted by Jean Sasseville View Post
                        gos.chinovnikam "
                        gos chinovnikam -- def'n from an anon. former Tashkentian now American administrator for all of us 'BabbleFish':

                        If you really want to make a career (and without her stay a pawn and nothing has changed), then be prepared to:
                        1. 1. Петь дифирамбы и писать хвалебные статьи и отчеты. Singing the praises of and write laudatory articles and reports.
                        2. 2. Брать взятки и давать взятки наверх. Bribes and bribes up.
                        3. 3. Общаться со злыми и грубыми людьми каждый день. Dealing with angry and rude people every day. (в особенности - начальство) (In particular - the bosses)
                        4. 4. Это будет продолжаться годами и конца-краю не будет видно. It will last for years and no end is in sight.

                        I will be ofleaving of resting on illusion of resting of on wons laurels.


                        • #42
                          Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

                          Ilyumzhinov has confirmed his ticket. To me, this is good news regarding Freeman and Leung.

                          Leong has worked since 35 years for the development of chess in Asia. He is highly respected for the considerable efforts that he has put in chess. What is more, he has created a very successful Chess Academy in Singapore. Not only is it successful in chess results, but also from a financial point of view.

                          Nigel Freeman (Bermuda) is the chess passionate by essence, combining his know-how in finance and his passion to organise several events in Bermuda. His integrity as Treasurer is not doubted.

                          I am having difficulty in forging an opinion on Lewis NcCube (Zambia). He has been with FIDE since 2006 and there are few articles about him on the internet.

                          The other two candidates are controversials.

                          "Despite the above, Ilyumzhinov himself is perhaps not even the main issue. Chess players seem almost unanimously united against Ilyumzhinov’s team, with Makropoulos (Greece), the focus of much anger for his alleged contempt for grandmasters and his handling of chess finances" ( June 5).

                          Beatriz Marinello, 2003-5 term as USCF president was rocky. In 2006, the USCF did not endorse her bid to represents the Americas at FIDE.
                          Last edited by Jean Sasseville; Sunday, 6th June, 2010, 11:12 AM.


                          • #43
                            Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

                            FIDE has received these tickets by the June 28 deadline. Karpov and Ilyumzhinov are each nominated by 3 countries. Ilyumzhinov got the nomination from Russia.



                            • #44
                              Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

                              Originally posted by Jean Hébert View Post
                              And as far as I know the FIDE presidency does not give the power to rewrite history.
                              May I suggest you read what is happening in Texas in regards to the American History curriculum taught in schools?


                              • #45
                                Re: Canada will endorse Karpov?

                                Originally posted by Jean Sasseville View Post
                                FIDE has received these tickets by the June 28 deadline. Karpov and Ilyumzhinov are each nominated by 3 countries. Ilyumzhinov got the nomination from Russia.

                                The important sentence is FIDE is examining the validity of all candidacies submitted within the deadline of 28 June and will ratify the list of candidates during its Presidential Board meeting in Tromso, 24–25 July.

                                We will have to wait until July 24 or 25 in order to know if Karpov's candidacy will been ruled out of order by the Presidential Board.

