Canada's Crrespondence GM's

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  • Canada's Crrespondence GM's

    Canada appears to have 6 correspondence GM's. Four of them are well-known to me (Jonathan Berry, Jean Hebert, Robert Kiviaho, and Duncan Suttles) - however there are two that (I hate to say) I have never heard of. Does anyone have more info on them (age, location, chess related info, etc.)?

    Wolfram SchÖn (sorry - can't find the lower-case o umlaut) - he is listed as number 4 in the ICCF rating list (2699). Requested ICCF to be allowed to play under the Canadian flag in 2006.

    Alexander Ugge (# 84).
    From (this may have been written in 2001) "Alex is 64 years old, married, one son. He is a research scientist in transportation engineering (with a doctoral degree). He has been playing correspondence chess since 1955."

    I checked David Cohen's biography website - there is brief info on Ugge, but nothing on SchÖn.

    The other Canadians are either inactive, or their ICCF ratings are below 2553 and do not make the top 200 list.

  • #2
    Re: Canada's Crrespondence GM's

    Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
    Wolfram SchÖn (sorry - can't find the lower-case o umlaut) - he is listed as number 4 in the ICCF rating list (2699). Requested ICCF to be allowed to play under the Canadian flag in 2006.
    (there is a new German grammar Ö >> oe, etc)
    His webpage:


    • #3
      Re: Canada's Crrespondence GM's


      I enjoyed meeting you the other day.

      It appears that Wolfram Schön stills lives in Germany even though he is member of the CCCA (Canadian Correspondence Chess Association) since 2006. He is #4 in the world in correspondence chess. Over the board, he is an IM. He has a website:


      • #4
        Re: Canada's Crrespondence GM's


        Wolfram is a GM who lives in Germany and joined the CCCA a few years ago. A top players who is under appreciated.

        Alexander is one of our long time players. He played in the World Championship final and ended up second, I think it was. He is a long time player and I recall inviting him to play on one of our teams way back when I was still organizing. He's played for us many times over the years, as I recall.
        Gary Ruben
        CC - IA and SIM


        • #5
          Re: Canada's Crrespondence GM's

          Jean wrote:

          It appears that Wolfram Schön stills lives in Germany even though he is member of the CCCA (Canadian Correspondence Chess Association) since 2006. He is #4 in the world in correspondence chess. Over the board, he is an IM. He has a website:

          The webpage doesn't say anything about his life outside of chess. What is his Canadian connection (except for being a member of the CCCA)?


          • #6
            Re: Canada's Crrespondence GM's

            There is no other Canadian connection. My understanding is that he didn't get along with his home country's federation, and so he switched to the more friendly Canadian federation.


            • #7
              Re: Canada's Crrespondence GM's

              David wrote:

              There is no other Canadian connection. My understanding is that he didn't get along with his home country's federation, and so he switched to the more friendly Canadian federation.
              Can any ICCF member arbitrarily select for which federation he chooses to play - regardless of citizenship and/or residency? Do they not follow FIDE's rules?

