25th Anniversary Celebration for The Chess'n Math Association!

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  • 25th Anniversary Celebration for The Chess'n Math Association!

    Following you will see a list of the Canadian Grade Champions over the last 22 years from the Canadian Chess Challenge.

    We would love to see these folks at our 25th Anniversary Celebration on Aug. 22, 2010 in Montreal.

    If folks can provide me with e-mail addresses...I will gladly invite them!

    Those who have International Chess Titles will have their transportation and lodging paid by the Chess'n Math Association.

    Contact me at bevand@chess-math.org


    1989 Canadian Champions

    Lefong Hua QC
    Victor Chernoff QC
    Laurent Gascon QC
    Anthony Castillo QC
    Daniel Williams ON
    Nicolas Soudre QC
    Alexandre Marcil QC
    Martin Glass QC
    Adam Littke ON
    Leonard Morrissey NL
    Nicolas Arsenault QC
    Jonathan MacDonald NB

    1990 Canadian Champions

    Andrew Ho BC
    Lefong Hua QC
    Erez Davy ON
    Anthony Castillo QC
    J.-F. Gratton QC
    Radu Butan ON
    Alexandre Marcil QC
    Martin Glass QC
    Luc Tran QC
    Leonard Morrissey NL
    Thanh-Nha Duong QC

    1991 Canadian Champions

    Jonathan Gottlieb QC
    Andrew Ho BC
    Roman Golts ON
    Erez Davy ON
    Darryl Kong BC
    Anthony Castillo QC
    Matthew Grabove NB
    Nicolas Soudre QC
    Howard Wu BC
    Peter Olszewski ON

    1992 Canadian Champions

    Gerard O’Reilley AB
    Jonathan Gottlieb QC
    Andrew Ho BC
    Lefong Hua ON
    Alfred Pechisker BC
    Joel Gaucher SK
    Anthony Castillo QC
    Uma Casinathan ON
    Radu Butan ON
    Eric Beaulieu QC
    Martin Glass QC
    Pascal Bergeron QC

    1993 Canadian Champions

    Scott Roebuck BC
    Gerard O'Reilly AB
    Stephen Glinert ON
    Andrew Ho BC
    Lefong Hua QC
    Shahin Mohamad Nabi BC
    Darryl Kong BC
    Anthony Castillo QC
    Marc-André Fortier QC
    Radu Butan ON
    Félix Leriche QC
    Howard Wu BC

    1994 Canadian Champions

    Tristan Ledent QC
    Lethyn Hua QC
    Samuel Wong BC
    Kenny Vezina BC
    Pascal Charbonneau QC
    Roman Golts ON
    Eugene Cormos QC
    Barvyr Mirican QC
    Anthony Castillo QC
    Uma Casinathan ON
    Tom Samson ON
    Félix Leriche QC

    1995 Canadian Champions

    Sebastian Predescu ON
    Stephen Hazeltine AB
    Lethyn Hua QC
    Kelly Huang SK
    Stephen Glinert ON
    Pascal Charbonneau QC
    Lefong Hua QC
    Alfred Pechisker BC
    Warren Dutton ON
    Anthony Castillo QC
    Vu-Loc Nguyen QC
    Tom Samson ON

    1996 Canadian Champions

    Nigel Sharp AB
    Sebastian Predescu ON
    Michael Buscar ON
    Ryan Brown QC
    Espen Sodha NL
    Stephen Glinert ON
    Pascal Charbonneau QC
    Lefong Hua QC
    Igor Zugic ON
    Andrew Peredun ON
    Meng Lou ON
    Justin Gulati PE

    1997 Canadian Champions

    Nigel Sharp AB
    Jean-Philippe Mathieu QC
    C. Ouellet-Léveillé QC
    Stephen Hazeltine AB
    Haoyuan Wang ON
    Viktor Zambo ON
    Marc-A. Laframboise QC
    Stefanie Chu ON
    Roman Golts ON
    Igor Zugic ON
    Andrew Ho BC
    Martin Oberrauch AB

    1998 Canadian Champions

    Nathan Chow BC
    Aaron Rodriguez QC
    Valentina Goutor BC
    Kishor Ramaswamy QC
    Michael Buscar ON
    Haoyuan Wang ON
    Viktor Zambo ON
    Matthew Pitts BC
    Joshua Henson MB
    Lefong Hua QC
    David Afrah BC
    Andrew Peredun ON

    1999 Canadian Champions

    Harris Kaufman ON
    Justin Lasker MB
    James Peterson BC
    Matthew Herzberg ON
    Kishor Ramaswamy QC
    Justin Gushuliak MB
    Haoyuan Wang ON
    Josef Lentini ON
    Warrick Rolfe ON
    Tyler Reddy NS
    Eugene Cormos QC
    Igor Zugic ON

    2000 Canadian Champions

    Brendan Fan ON
    Kevin Me SK
    Noam Davies BC
    James Peterson BC
    Evan Chan ON
    Meng Fanhao BC
    Thomas R-Roozman QC
    Haoyuan Wang ON
    Josef Lentini ON
    Sheng-Jun Xu ON
    Pascal Charbonneau QC
    Lefong Hua QC

    2001 Canadian Champions

    Michael Kleinman ON
    Lloyd Mai ON
    Harris Kaufmann ON
    Noam Davies BC
    Raja Panjwani ON
    Allen Pauric ON
    Mark Bluvshtein ON
    Christian Stevens ON
    Haoyuan Wang ON
    Gavin Atkinson BC
    Andrei Gulko QC
    David Raheb ON

    2002 Canadian Champions

    Song Li MB
    Mikael Bonnot QC
    Lloyd Mai ON
    Kevin Me SK
    Jeff Hou MB
    Irakli Vadachkoriya ON
    Jonathan Yu ON
    Mark Bluvshtein ON
    Thomas R-Roozmon QC
    Igor Diviljan ON
    Evgeni Miller ON
    Warrick Wolfe ON

    2003 Canadian Champions

    Alex Chan ON
    Ilchin Rozybakiyev QC
    Michael Kleinman ON
    Lloyd Mai ON
    Shiyam Thavandiran ON
    Victor Kaminski AB
    Brandon Eshleman AB
    David Wang SK
    Tomas Krnan ON
    Thomas R.-Roozmon QC
    Haoyuan Wang ON
    Julien B.-Fleurent QC

    2004 Canadian Champions

    Christopher Knox ON
    Tanraj Sohal BC
    Nikita Gusev ON
    Thomas Kaminski AB
    Lloyd Mai ON
    Shiyam Thavandiran ON
    Ling Feng Ye QC
    Trevor Vincent MB
    David Peng ON
    Mark Bluvshtein ON
    Michael Buscar ON
    Haoyuan Wang ON

    2005 Canadian Champions

    Sheng Ming Gu QC
    Christopher Knox ON
    Tanraj Sohal BC
    Nikita Kraiouchkine QC
    Arthur Calugar ON
    Lloyd Mai ON
    Shiyam Thavandiran ON
    Kevin Chung ON
    Raja Panjwani ON
    J.-M. B.-Deschamps QC
    Jonathan Tayar ON
    Curtis Peterson ON

    2006 Canadian Champions

    Janak Awatramani BC
    Adam Dorrance NS
    Christopher Knox ON
    Leor Wasserman MB
    Nikita Kraiouchkine QC
    Liam Keith-Jacques NB
    Lloyd Mai ON
    Eric Hansen AB
    Ling Feng Ye QC
    Zhe Quan ON
    David Peng ON
    Daniel Kazmaier AB

    2007 Canadian Champions

    Kelly Wang QC
    Janak Awatramani BC
    Adam Dorrance NS
    Christopher Knox ON
    Tanraj Sohal BC
    Aquino Inigo ON
    Arthur Calugar ON
    Karoly Szalay ON
    Shiyam Thavandiran ON
    Victor Kaminski AL
    Zhe Quan ON
    J.-M. Benoit-Deschamps QC

    2008 Canadian Champions

    Ian McCullough AB
    Kelly Wang QC
    Janak Awatramani BC
    Adam Dorrance NS
    Christopher Knox ON
    Tanraj Sohal BC
    Nikita Gusev ON
    Roman Sapozhnikov ON
    Louie Jiang QC
    Eric Hansen AB
    Ling Feng Ye QC
    Zhe Quan ON

    2009 Canadian Champions

    Run Kun Fan QC
    Benjamin Sun QC
    Kelly Wang QC
    Dezheng Kong BC
    Adam Dorrance NS
    Christopher Knox ON
    Tanraj Sohal BC
    Nikita Kraiouchkine QC
    Arthur Calugar ON
    Karoly Szalay ON
    Shiyam Thavandiran ON
    Noam Davies BC

    2010 Canadian Champions

    William Lai QC
    Run Kun Fan QC
    Kevin Wan ON
    Jonah Lee BC
    Janak Awatramani BC
    Jeremy Hui BC
    James Fu ON
    Tanraj Sohal BC
    Nikita Kraiouchkine QC
    Arthur Calugar ON
    Lloyd Mai ON
    Shiyam Thavandiran ON

  • #2
    Re: 25th Anniversary Celebration for The Chess'n Math Association!

    Has a table been made with a list of winners on the left, and years on the top. I would like to see the progression from year to year to see the progression of repeat champions, such as did the Grade 1 in 1990 win Grade 2in 1991 ... win Grade 10 in 1999 ... Who are the players who have won over half of the time?


    • #3
      Re: 25th Anniversary Celebration for The Chess'n Math Association!

      Originally posted by Erik Malmsten View Post
      I would like to see the progression from year to year to see the progression of repeat champions
      I second it :)

      "International Chess Titles"
      - as they all listed in the FIDE handbook? (g, m, f, c, +w)


      • #4
        Re: 25th Anniversary Celebration for The Chess'n Math Association!

        Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
        I second it :)

        - as they all listed in the FIDE handbook? (g, m, f, c, +w)
        The info that we have is available at:


        If someone would like to draw some stats from that, I would certainly welcome it!

        Egidijus...good point...yes this requires more clarification re International Titles :)

        International Master and International Grandmaster...International Woman Grandmaster and International Woman Master.

        Thanks...the CMA bank account could have been drained there :)



        • #5
          Re: 25th Anniversary Celebration for The Chess'n Math Association!

          Also check


          for Quebec winners by grade (not yet updated for 2010)


          • #6
            Re: 25th Anniversary Celebration for The Chess'n Math Association!

            Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
            Also check


            for Quebec winners by grade (not yet updated for 2010)

            I am putting together a list of 125 invitees for Aug 22, 2010...exactly 25 years after our organization was incorporated as a non-profit organization....we have so many people to thank...I am considering making this a two day event (Aug 21-22)...I should be able to announce something by July 1, 2010.

            I have started asking for donations from our suppliers and the response has been awesome...despite the poor economy! In the next week we will also be asking people we have supported over the years to make a contribution...and...if any of our loyal customers would like to show their appreciation....we ask you to send a cheque for $25 for 25 years ...payable to Chess'n Math, 3423 St-Denis #400, Montreal, QC H2X 3L2.

            Please address it to my attention and include your e-mail address...

            I want to know...and say THANK-YOU. Chess'n Math is my baby...and if you share our vision...then I want to know that what we have done is appreciated!

            You may ask...contribution for what?

            We have two projects.

            One is the North American Youth Championship which will be held in Montreal from August 16 - 19, 2010, This is the first time the event is being held in Canada. This event requires us to pay for lodging for the foreign delegations. So far, the U.S., Mexico and Haiti have indicated they will be sending players. We expect 120 to 150 participants (The host country last year...Mexico had about 120 players).

            At this point we have 65 registered players.

            The 2nd project is the creation of the Yves Charbonneau fund for the development of Canadian Youth.

            This is totally exciting!

            Yves Charbonneau was the CMA President for 16 years. He was my mentor!

            I have never met such as honest straight forward individual! He would always ask me the right questions and he kept me on the straight and narrow! His son, Pascal Charbonneau, grew up within the CMA program and became a Grandmaster, Canadian Champion and a member of the Canadian Olympic team.

            Pascal and his family will be a part of our 25th Anniversary Celebrations!

            The Chess'n Math Association will donate $10,000 to this new fund. Pascal and I will be part of the board...as well as other interested parties...we want to make a difference!

            International Master Igor Zugic and Canadian Master Marc Ghannoum have already joined the table of honour...if you have been part of the CMA experience....please contact me at bevand@chess-math.org send me an e-mail with 2010 in the subject line...I will take care of the rest

            Larry Bevand
            Executive Director
            Chess'n Math Association


            • #7
              Re: 25th Anniversary Celebration for The Chess'n Math Association!

              Sounds like a great time Larry! 25 years is a milestone in any endeavour. I know you always have many more than 2 projects, but the NAYCC and the Charbonneau Fund are noteworthy indeed. Congratulations!

