2010-2011 EOCA season: feedback on dates

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  • 2010-2011 EOCA season: feedback on dates

    Hi there, at the Canadian Open last week, it was great meeting many of the key Organizers/TDs from the Ontario population belt! In addition to just getting to know each other, and share war stories, we had the chance to discuss some of our preferred dates, with the intent of avoiding conflict with each other.

    Following up on that, in Eastern Ontario, we are beginning to book sites for our intended events, and I wanted to confirm there are no obvious conflicts with other events, especially in GTCL and SWOCL. We should be able to announce exact dates within the next couple of weeks. Until then, we're thinking :

    late September: Ottawa Autumn Open
    mid October: Seaway Valley Open (not Thanksgiving weekend)
    early November: National Capital Open
    mid January: Ottawa Winter Open
    early March: Ottawa Spring Open
    mid April: McIntosh Open
    early May: Arnprior Open

    All of the above dates are very similar to previous years. Now, the Eastern Ontario Open, which is the final event of the Eastern Ontario Grand Prix, is normally held mid June. However, after discussions with other Organizers/TDs at the Canadian Open last week, we are considering moving the Eastern Ontario Open to the weekend that includes Canada Day, maybe adding a 6th round, etc. I know this might sound biased as I live in Ottawa, but I really believe that there is no better time to visit Ottawa than Canada Day! Many streets around the historic sites are closed to traffic for the day, and there are thousands and thousands of happy people enjoying an awesome variety of activities. I think it would be a good idea to add the Eastern Ontario Open. On Canada Day itself, we would have one round, enabling the players to enjoy the rest of Canada Day in downtown Ottawa, including the awesome fireworks!

    However, I want to know what the players would prefer. Should the Eastern Ontario Open stay in mid June, or do we try the Canada Day long weekend?

    1) mid June: (old) Eastern Ontario Open
    2) early July: (new) Eastern Ontario Open

    Finally, behind the scenes, we are actively encouraging bids for other Eastern Ontario events, especially outside Ottawa. If interested, please email me!

    Yours in chess,

    Aris Marghetis, FIDE Arbiter
    Organizer/TD, EOCA President
    arismarghetis at rogers dot com
    the traditional mid June timeframe
    the weekend including Canada Day

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Re: 2010-2011 EOCA season: feedback on dates

    bumping this up - I was hoping for more than 4 votes - lol (they are anonymous votes!)


    • #3
      Re: 2010-2011 EOCA season: feedback on dates

      the last bumping up of this poll

      note that the Canada Day option would be 6 rounds (vs. 5 for the old mid-June option)


      • #4
        Re: 2010-2011 EOCA season: feedback on dates

        I kept this poll anonymous, as I believe that encourages more honest responses. The score so far is almost even, but I have also received several direct emails, and they are skewed towards the Canada Day long weekend. Anyway, I encourage people who send me an email to also vote here, which will help me figure out which poll choice is better.

        Thanks again, and best regards.

