From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

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  • From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

    I saw that Andrei Botez posted a comment on the Polgar site. Perhaps he could help translate this communique which appreared on the Romanian site:


    Consiliul Director al Federaţiei Române de Şah a luat act cu neplăcută surprindere de refuzul jucătorilor Lupulescu Constantin, Nevednicii Vladislav, Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter, Pârligras Mircea-Emilian de a participa la Olimpiada de şah din Rusia şi doreşte să precizeze următoarele:
    În şedinţa C.D. din 30 mai 2010 s-au aprobat cuantumurile onorariilor pentru jucătorii şi jucătoarele selecţionaţi în loturile olimpice, fără a se preciza vreo eşalonare a plăţii lor. De asemenea au fost prevăzute unele penalităţi modice pentru neîndeplinirea obiectivelor. Întrucât cifrele au fost acceptate de către cei doi căpitani nejucători (Danilov Vladimir – fete şi Nanu Costică-Ciprian – băieţi) şi transmise către componenţii celor două loturi (care n-au avut obiecţii), s-a făcut de către FRŞah înscrierea celor două echipe la Olimpiadă (termenul limită fiind de 20 iulie 2010, după care nu se mai permiteau schimbări decât în cazuri de forţă majoră).
    În luna premergătoare competiţiei, căpitanul Nanu Costică-Ciprian a comunicat că au apărut unele revendicări privind plata unui avans substanţial din onorarii, deşi nu au existat şi nu există contracte scrise între jucători şi federaţie. După câteva zile, în care a încercat unele schimbări în echipă, nepermise de regulamentul competiţiei, căpitanul echipei naţionale masculine şi-a dat demisia din această funcţie.
    În data de 13 septembrie 2010, prin intermediul căpitanului demisionar, patru dintre jucătorii echipei masculine şi-au formulat pretenţiile financiare (mergând până la un avans de 2/3 din onorarii şi eliminarea penalităţilor), iar Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter a anunţat că nu va participa. Pe data de 14 septembrie 2010, Preşedintele FRŞah, Constantin Dumitriu, a adresat un mesaj componenţilor echipei naţionale masculine, garantând că se va plăti un avans de 50% din onorarii înainte de Olimpiadă. La termenul dat (15 septembrie, ora 12), oferta a fost refuzată de cei 4 jucători mai sus-amintiţi.
    Trebuie subliniat faptul că aceste onorarii nu pot fi decât parţial plătite din venituri proprii sau surse bugetare, ca atare un mare procentaj din ele trebuie să provină din resurse extrabugetare (de tipul sponsorizărilor), dificil de găsit în această perioadă de criză. Cu toate acestea, onorariile erau garantate, iar cifra lor o considerăm ca fiind generoasă în raport cu alte sporturi, unde s-au obţinut şi se obţin performanţe mult mai mari. Reamintim că pe aproximativ actuala structură a echipei s-au ocupat următoarele poziţii la ultimele Olimpiade: 2002 – loc 28, 2004 – loc 20, 2006 – loc 26, 2008 – loc 19. Ca atare, nu putem interpreta solicitarea unui avans de cca 70% decât ca un semn de neîncredere în actuala conducere a FRŞah, reticenţă absolut nejustificată în condiţiile în care Federaţia şi-a onorat întotdeauna obligaţiile financiare faţă de aceşti jucători.
    Prin poziţia adoptată de grupul celor patru jucători, ca şi prin demisia nejustificată a căpitanului echipei, s-au adus importante prejudicii Federaţiei, atât la nivel financiar (ele impunându-se a fi recuperate), cât şi pe planul imaginii. Acest lucru este cu atât mai regretabil cu cât a fost produs de un nucleu de jucători valoroşi, al căror loc s-ar fi cuvenit să fie în bătălia olimpică şi nu pe false baricade protestatare. Dacă o noţiune precum patriotismul poate părea unora desuetă, cea de fair-play este mereu actuală pentru lumea sportului, iar activitatea noastră a tuturor, jucători sau conducători, trebuie să se subsumeze ei.

    16 septembrie 2010
    Constantin Dumitriu

  • #2
    Re: From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

    Here is an translation via a Google translator:


    of the Federation board Romanian Chess took note with unpleasant surprise refusal by players groups Constantin, Vladislav nevednicii, about liviu- Dieter, parligras Emilian mircea- to attend the Olympic Games of chess in Russia and wants to clarify:

    The C. D. OF THE MEETING MAY 30 2010 were approved amounts fees for players and women players selected in batches Olympics, without specifying any out of their payment. Also have been provided for some penalties for failure not objectives. Whereas figures have been accepted by the two captains nejucatori ('s Vladimir-girls and costica- Cornu Ciprian boys) components and transmitted by the two lots (who did not object), was made by frsah entry of the two teams at the Olympic Games (the deadline to 20 iulie 2010, after which no longer permit changes only in cases of force majeure).

    In the month before competition, Captain costica- Cornu Ciprian communicated that have been some claims for payment of a imprest substantial fees, although there has been and there is no written contracts between players and Federation. After a few days, in which he tried some changes in the team, the advertising competition regulation, captain of the national team male resigned from the office.

    The date of 13 septembrie 2010, through captain resigning, four male team of players have made financial demands (walking up to a imprest 2/3 in fees and eliminate penalties), and about liviu- Dieter announced that it will not participate. On 14 septembrie 2010, president frsah, Constantin Dumitriu, sent a message male components of the national team, guaranteeing that it will pay an advance of 50 percent of fees before the Olympic Games.
    The deadline given (September 15, 12 p.m.), the offer was rejected by the 4 players remember above.

    The problem is that these fees cannot be only partially paid from income own or budget sources, that such a large percentage of them must come from resources $( type sponsorships) difficult to find in this period of crisis. However, the fees were guaranteed, and their figure we believe that being generous in relation to other sports, where they have been obtained and obtain performance much higher. Cioscu like about the current structure of the team has been busy following oligopolistically the last Olympics: 2002-seat 28.2004-seat 20.2006-seat 26.2008-seat 19. As such, we interpret the requirement for the imprest of approximately 70 percent than as a sign of confidence in the current leadership of frsah, reluctance absolutely unjustified in the federation has honored always financial obligations to these players.

    The position taken by the group of four players, and by the resignation unjustified soccer team captain, have brought significant injury Federation, both at both financial (these imposing it to be recovered), as well as the Plan image. This is all the more regrettable as it was produced by a nucleus of players valuable, whose place he would be due to be in an Olympic battle and not the barricades not false. If a concept as well as some "Patriotism may seem, the fair is always present for the World sport, and our work of all, players or managers, must be Stolojan.

    16 septembrie 2010
    Constantin Dumitriu


    • #3
      Re: From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

      From Chessdom:

      Romania without a men team at the Olympiad

      A scandal errupted in Romania just a few days before the Chess Olympiad. Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu, Andrei Istratescu, Constantin Lupulescu, Mircea Parligras and Vladislav Nevednichy have decided to skip the event due to a financial dispute. More about the conflict will be published later, there is a document in Romanian on the federation website. The Romania men team were 18th seeded at the Olympiad, with average ELO 2633, which gave them high hopes for top 10 finish. Also, they were considered one of the most dangerous teams to play with, able to spoil the medal hopes of any opponent.

      Still, the country will be represented by a women team - Elena-Luminita Cosma, Cristina-Adela Foisor, Alina L'Ami, Iozefina Paulet and Carmen Voicu-Jagodzinsky.


      • #4
        Re: From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

        Most of the top German players dropped out due to inadequate compensation a couple of months ago, and are being represented by a sub-standard team.

        We can only hope for the day when we might have some Corporate sponsor (no strings attached) so that we can allow our players to not have to dig into their personal savings to represent their country.


        • #5
          Re: From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad


          well-said and a worthy goal for future Olympiads. Lets hope one day we renumerate players like most countries. In their resignation letter, the Romanian team stated:

          "As you know, after the completion of the Olympic teams, captains appointed by the Romanian Chess Federation have negotiated with the players participation fees for the Olympics. This system is practiced all over the world, except maybe Africa and the major powers of chess fees are extremely consistent."
          Last edited by Jean Sasseville; Friday, 17th September, 2010, 10:48 AM.


          • #6
            Re: From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

            Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post

            I saw that Andrei Botez posted a comment on the Polgar site. Perhaps he could help translate this communique which appreared on the Romanian site:
            Short story:
            - No contract sign between federation and players, so nobody can be held liable
            - Players requested 70% of the payments before going, in order of the boards the amounts in euro are: 3000 (Nisipeanu), 2000 (Istratescu), 1500 (Lupulescu), 1500 (Nevednichi), 1500 (Parligras) .
            - 3 weeks before the dead line The Federation offer 50% and demanded an answer in 3 days (due Sept 15), the answer was "NO", the federation claim that they have no money, trying to force their hands in accepting to play.
            - The difference (20%) is around 2000 euro, but this is not the problem, the main problem is the way the federation is dealing with the members of the team. The president of the federation ultimatum was: "We pay 50%, take it or we will find replacements" .
            The next GM's on the list also declined the offer to replace the main team.
            Gay Interracial
            Last edited by Andrei Botez; Monday, 9th May, 2011, 08:23 AM.


            • #7
              Re: From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

              Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
              Most of the top German players dropped out due to inadequate compensation a couple of months ago, and are being represented by a sub-standard team.

              We can only hope for the day when we might have some Corporate sponsor (no strings attached) so that we can allow our players to not have to dig into their personal savings to represent their country.
              That inadequate compensation was about 3,000 euro for each player (depending on performance).

              You will find below the German Federation reply.

              Statement of the German Chess Federation
              Answer to speculations about Germany's Olympic team

              Recently there has been a public discussion about Germany's Olympic team. The top players have refused to participate under the financial conditions offered. The Presidential Board of the German Chess Federation with its President Robert von Weizsäcker has clarified the facts and has rejected the non-objective arguments.

              1. Supporting the top level sport is a main task of the German Chess Federation. More than 100,000 € are spent every year for the top players and talented youngsters. Administrative costs and salaries for the trainers have to be added. No other department has a similar budget at its disposal.

              2. All projects of the top level sport are published on the website of the German Chess Federation. The budget includes, for instance, the costs of the Chess Olympiad, European team and individual championships, bilateral matches and supportive measures for young players.

              3. The top players have publicly complained that they do not profit from this programme. This assertion is not true. Two of the top four German players (Naiditsch and Meier) have received grants of totally 57,479 € in the period 2005 to 2010.

              4. Due to tax reasons the German Chess Federation cannot pay any honorarium for the members of the national team. Such payments have to be done by sponsors or – if necessary - by the "Deutscher Schachbund Wirtschaftsdienst GmbH", a limited liability company.

              5. The amount of the honorarium is always discussed by a commission. Representatives of the players are members of it. It has been agreed to offer the players of the men’s team for the participation in this year’s Olympiad an honorarium of totally 15,000 € which means approximately 3,000 € each (depending on the individual result).

              6. The Presidential Board of the German Chess Federation rejects the reproaches of GM Arkadij Naiditsch and GM Georg Meier towards those being responsible for the top level sport (President, Director of top level sport, Tournament Director, National Coach and the Executive Director of the limited liability company). The Board is prepared to discuss issues but condemns the personal defamation and reserves for itself further consequences.


              • #8
                Re: From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

                Jean, good posting! The answer from Robert von Weizsaecker (the son of the former West-Germany President, and a very respectable person there) clarifies "the big picture" of sponsorship and compensation. I believe the situation is very similar in Romania too.


                • #9
                  Re : Re: From the Susan Polgar Blog...Romania...and the Olympiad

                  Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
                  Most of the top German players dropped out due to inadequate compensation a couple of months ago, and are being represented by a sub-standard team.

                  We can only hope for the day when we might have some Corporate sponsor ...
                  "Hoping" is not enough, especially from someone involved at the CFC executive level. "Trying" would be somewhat better.

