recovering after the double-round day ;)

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  • recovering after the double-round day ;)

    Hi again, well, the double-round day is finally winding down! I just finished my dinner-plate full of buffet sweets, and quite frankly, I dunno know how far I could walk now if I wanted to, LOL! I'm sitting in the hotel lobby writing, as the internet access might actually be able to handle the declining bandwidth as local midnight approaches. However, I might never get access tonight, and you might only see this after midnight in Canada. I'm also not receiving emails.

    I'm feeling good about the time adjustment thing. At first, it felt like I was being alarmed up at just after midnight, which it actually was, but now it just feels like short sleep nights, which is a lot better. I have no idea how people are not massive here, as the tastiness of the food, available ALL THE TIME, is quite amazing. And everyone does eat lots, but really, they are better sized than we are! I mention the food, because I MIGHT be using it to avoid nap instincts! ;)

    My arbiter buddy has a cold that's getting worse, but he's handling it with meds, and so far, I'm not getting it. We both tried to get to sleep earlier before the double-round day, but that plan didn't quite work out, as we both got sick, keeping us awake. I guess it could have been the insane volume of rich food and drink (alcohol opportunities abound) over the last few days, but we decided it had to be the grilled pork. He's Greek, which means "handles food well"! ;)

    We had to get up the earliest yet, to clean up, eat a big breakfast, and be at the playing hall by just after 8am, which required multiple "snooze" decisions. When we finally got out there, it was a superbly crisp Autumn day, with the full moon still hanging over the marina, casting a gorgeous reflection across the water as the sun was rising behind some low clouds. I swear the yachts looked even bigger today, maybe as more were occupied over Saturday night?

    The chess tournament aspects of the rest of the day once again demonstrated the superb logistical prowess of the Organizers. Like, we started the second round of the day ON TIME, and within about an hour after the last game had finished from the previous round, and done so for 1500 players !!!!

    Tomorrow is the rest day, in that there are no tournament rounds. My plans are to get up early to start the game entries for the double rounds, and I have been asked to co-arbiter a game that is being replayed due to an appeal. After that, finish off the game entries and attend the FA seminar session on Swiss System pairings, which will entail doing them manually, with the goal of fully understanding and being able to explain what newest pairings software does.

    Running out of steam now, so good night. Thanks for the Sens scores, LOL! :)

  • #2
    Re: recovering after the double-round day ;)

    Great reports Aris!
    You are probably right about your troubles - don't blame the rich food and drink, blame the grilled pork!

    Those Greek buffets are trouble. A 12 course meal three times per day can really tax the belt line in a hurry!

