Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

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  • Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

    Her latest book is called "Play Like a Girl".

    Her previous book was called "Chess Bitch".

    Does the title of a book make a difference in sales?


    So how would you rate the following titles for a chess book:

    Think Like a Grandmaster

    Play Like a Girl

    Winning Chess Strategy For Kids

    Logical Chess Move by Move

    Ideas Behind the Chess Openings
    Chess Bitch!
    Play Like A Girl
    Winning Chess Strategy For Kids
    Ideas Behind the Chess Openings
    Logical Chess Move by Move
    Think Like a Grandmaster
    How to Cheat at Chess
    1001 Deadly Checkmates
    Chess Tactics for Students
    The Amateur's Mind

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Re: Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

    Originally posted by Larry Bevand View Post
    Her latest book is called "Play Like a Girl".

    Her previous book was called "Chess Bitch".

    Does the title of a book make a deifference in sales?


    So how would you rate the following titles for a chess book:

    Think Like a Grandmaster

    Play Like a Girl

    Winning Chess Strategy For Kids

    Logical Chess Move by Move

    Ideas Behind the Chess Openings
    I don't fancy reading either of her books, but I can well imagine they would relate well to some segment of the chess playing population... Of those titles, I think the best titles are "Think Like a Grandmaster" and "Logical Chess Move by Move" (as far as I recall, those are the only ones I already own...)
    ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


    • #3
      Re: Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

      I read Chess Bitch and it was pretty amateurish, even for a chess book. She seems like the type of writer who wants to write things that sound controversial to get herself noticed, but I don't think the quality backs it up.


      • #4
        Re: Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

        I think that both of her books' titles are positioned to get her attention which is not a bad thing. "How to Cheat at Chess" is actually somewhat entertaining if recall though its been some years since I read it. "Chess for Tigers" is also a well named book which is entertaining. I don't have either of the Shahade books in my collection at the moment.


        • #5
          Re: Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

          Well, the title Chess Bitch got my wife to buy a copy so it got at least one extra sale.

          As for me, I don't care about the titles except as a vague reference to what's inside. I like to read a few pages to see if I'll like it or not.
          Christopher Mallon
          FIDE Arbiter


          • #6
            Re: Best titles

            Best chess book titles
            -The Sniper
            -The Black Lion
            -Wojo's Weapons

            Stupidest titles
            -Chess Bitch
            -Play Like a Girl

            Ideas for (more)Stupid Titles
            -Bitch like a Chess Bitch
            -How to *uck Your Opponent Up
            -Avoiding Chess *uck-ups
            -How to Get Your (Chess)Parents off Your Back

            Ideas for Serious Books
            -How to Manage Your Chess Data
            -Select Your Openings to Maximize Results
            -The Queenless Middlegame
            -Unforced Errors-How to Induce Them and How to Avoid Them
            -Maneuvering in Closed Positions
            -Exploiting Symmetrical Pawn Structures
            -The Extra Tempo
            -The Extra Square
            -Getting Over Your Chess Skill Plateau
            -Concrete Play


            • #7
              Re: Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

              If I write a book, I would choose as title "Play like a Grandpatzer"


              • #8
                Re: Best titles

                Originally posted by Michael Yip View Post
                Best chess book titles
                -The Sniper
                -The Black Lion
                -Wojo's Weapons

                Stupidest titles
                -Chess Bitch
                -Play Like a Girl

                Ideas for (more)Stupid Titles
                -Bitch like a Chess Bitch
                -How to *uck Your Opponent Up
                -Avoiding Chess *uck-ups
                -How to Get Your (Chess)Parents off Your Back
                It may be coming. I saw a couple of books with variations on the word with **'s strategically placed. The full word showed up without **'s inside the text. Wojo's Weapons is a cool title and a nice book. The Black Lion didn't convince me to buy it.

                Ideas for Serious Books
                -How to Manage Your Chess Data
                -Select Your Openings to Maximize Results
                -The Queenless Middlegame
                -Unforced Errors-How to Induce Them and How to Avoid Them
                -Maneuvering in Closed Positions
                -Exploiting Symmetrical Pawn Structures
                -The Extra Tempo
                -The Extra Square
                -Getting Over Your Chess Skill Plateau
                -Concrete Play
                I might buy a few of those if they were published.


                • #9
                  Re: Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

                  For my teaching i just pulled from my library" How NOT to play Chess" by Eugene Znoska-Borovsky-a classic,little instructional book absolutely great for average to intermediate players.I love the the reviews on John J Henry,Senior Instructor Chess & Math,Toronto.


                  • #10
                    Re: Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

                    Originally posted by Jean Sasseville View Post
                    If I write a book, I would choose as title "Play like a Grandpatzer"
                    Did you know that there was a book "Secrets of a Grandpatzer" from the 70's? It's actually an enjoyable read.


                    • #11
                      Re: Jennifer Shahade loves to provoke!

                      A favourite title: Soft Pawn by Bill Hartston ("The Uncensored Sequel to How to Cheat at Chess")

                      Incidentally, Play Like a Girl is a handsome, hardcover collection of tactics taken from the games of women players, also very modestly priced - review at ChessVibes.

