Results bonus, was it eliminated?

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  • Results bonus, was it eliminated?

    Did the recent online AGM eliminate the results bonus and if so what is the time frame for implementing the change?

  • #2
    Rating " Results Bonus Provisions "

    Posted on the CFC Members' Chess Chat Forum, today, April 19, 03:54 PM by Bob Armstrong , CFC Governor

    Rating " Results Bonus Provisions "

    Hi Vlad:

    The Governors' Spring Meeting ended at 5:53 PM on Friday, April 15. Here is what the Handbook says about Minutes:

    S. 22 A:

    (6) Meeting Minutes: Within 7 days of the close of the meeting, the Secretary shall prepare the Minutes of the Governors’ meeting, and they shall be posted on the Governors’ Discussion Board, to allow for any corrections to be raised. Notice by e-mail shall be sent to all governors once the Minutes are Posted. Governors shall have 3 days to post corrections or e-mail them to the Posting Secretary.

    (7) Governors' Letters: After 3 days, the Minutes, as corrected if necessary, shall be immediately published in a Governors’ Letter, to be posted immediately on the CFC Website. This may be combined with any other content the CFC Secretary wishes to publish at the same time......

    So the CFC Secretary, Lyle Craver, has 'til Fri., April 22 to post the Minutes for the governors' perusal.

    That being said, I can advise that the Rating Auditor, Bill Doubleday, posted that he had no report to file at the Spring Meeting. There was no motion on this item. So as far as I know, the issue was not further dealt with. I do not know the current status of the " results bonus provisions ". The Treasurer, Fred McKim, who is familiar with the rating system, may be best to answer, in the absence of the rating auditor.



    • #3
      Re: Results bonus, was it eliminated?

      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
      Did the recent online AGM eliminate the results bonus and if so what is the time frame for implementing the change?

      See CFC Forum for more details.

