CanBase updates soon!

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  • CanBase updates soon!

    There will be a major update to CanBase within the next couple of weeks. Additions will include:

    69 "new" games of Lawrence Day.
    448 "new" games of Quebec master Daniel Rousseau (including 7 games with Kevin Spraggett, and others against players such as Maurice Fox, Larry Bevand, Jean Hebert, Bryon Nickoloff, Thomas Roussel-Roozmon, and Igor Ivanov).
    At least 324 games from the 2011 Canadian Open (some verification will have to be done with the original scoresheets).
    About 274 games from the CYCC (still lots of editing to do - I can't verify the MonRoi scores, since I don't have access to any of the scoresheets). At least 12 games were "trashed" (i.e. illegal or missing moves on the MonRoi scores) - I'm not going to bother trying to reconstruct them unless top players were involoved).
    Hundreds of other Canadian games played in the last couple of months.