Time control for the Toronto Labour Day Open

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  • Time control for the Toronto Labour Day Open

    What time control would you prefer playing? Majority rules.
    The traditional: 40/120' SD/60'
    Canadian Open: 40/90' SD/30' + 30'' from move 1
    Also popular: SD/120' + 30'' from move 1

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by Hugh Siddeley; Friday, 29th July, 2011, 08:01 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Time control for the Toronto Labour Day Open

    Thanks for casting your vote. The Canadian Open time control it will be.


    • #3
      Re: Time control for the Toronto Labour Day Open

      Hi Hugh;
      Are you expecting under 50 players at Labour day Open? Your poll group is very small to decide on the time controls.
      Will clocks be provided in all sections?
      At the CDN OPEN some of the U1600 players had to use their analog clocks.


      • #4
        Re: Time control for the Toronto Labour Day Open

        Originally posted by John Brown View Post
        Hi Hugh;
        Are you expecting under 50 players at Labour day Open? Your poll group is very small to decide on the time controls.
        Will clocks be provided in all sections?
        At the CDN OPEN some of the U1600 players had to use their analog clocks.
        Boards and sets are provided; please bring digital clocks if you can.
        The Canadian Open time control took a decisive and seemingly insurmountable early lead - and is still holding onto it. Hugh had to settle this issue in order to finalize our announcement, but there will be other tournaments... I assume you support the 40/2-SD/1 option, given your point about analog clocks. If others agree with you and the dark horse 40/2-SD/1 time control makes a come-from-behind sprint to the finish (it has already moved up from distant third to second), we can reopen the question for future events.
        Marcus Wilker
        Annex Chess Club
        Toronto, Ontario


        • #5
          Re: Time control for the Toronto Labour Day Open

          Originally posted by John Brown View Post
          Your poll group is very small to decide on the time controls.
          Seeing as how other tournaments have never even requested feedback by conducting a poll the group size doesn't worry me too much. If we run out of digital clocks then 40/2 SD/1 can be used on the analog ones in the lower sections.

