Might you like being a CFC member more if...

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  • #31
    Re: Might you like being a CFC member more if...

    Originally posted by Roger Patterson View Post
    on the 'to do' list
    May you create a number of games in various years (maybe in 6-months periods) for >1200? thnx.


    • #32
      Re: Might you like being a CFC member more if...

      Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
      May you create a number of games in various years (maybe in 6-months periods) for >1200? thnx.
      I have this data already for games per player per year by rating in 2010. To get an historical set of data for various years you''ll have to wait till it comes up on the 'to do' list...


      • #33
        Re: Might you like being a CFC member more if...

        Originally posted by Kevin Pacey View Post
        One thing a long-term planning committee could look at is a business plan...
        "I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
        No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.


        • #34
          Re: Might you like being a CFC member more if...

          Originally posted by Roger Patterson View Post
          to get an historical set of data for various years
          thnx. I saw it. I'm interested in historical data.


          • #35
            Re: Might you like being a CFC member more if...

            Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
            thnx. I saw it. I'm interested in historical data.
            Actually, you can access the data for various years yourself at: http://victoriachess.com/cfc/activit...e=distribution

            I did one year for you (2002 - after the increase in juniors playing).

            The graph suggests an increase in games played per player over the years - confirmed by the totals over all ratings:
            Total games played Sept. 2009 - Sept 2010 59567 by 3783 players
            Total games played Sept. 2001 - Sept 2002 59372 by 4740 players
            (I have truncated the ratings at 2650 so missing a few)

            I also have data for the various provinces in 2010 at: http://victoriachess.com/cfc/dist_summary.php

            I considered the graphs useful for deciding if there are enough tournaments in a region. e.g. BC's graph is below the national one so we can have more tournaments before our 'market' is over served.


            • #36
              Re: Might you like being a CFC member more if...

              Time to take stock.

              As I write these words,

              Option #1 in the poll (CFC had chess server or a deal with a paying server) is closer to being realized in a way, since the CFC voted in favour of setting up an (internet) team league, to start in the fall of 2012:

              Option #2 in the poll (CFC had speed chess ratings) is a reality now that Quick chess has been approved. It's a matter of seeing how many speed events are submitted for rating in the coming days and years.

              Option #3 in the poll (CFC used FIDE ratings [only] for tournaments) is now clearly a non-starter, especially thanks to a very poor idea on FIDE's part in the recent past (which could change many respondents' initial positive responses to this option anyway).

              Option #4 in the poll (Adult & junior CFC membership fees lowered by $3) may be a non-starter with most Governors for some time to come, barring scaling back/axing the CFC email newsletter.

              Option #5 in the poll (CFC rating fee lowered by $1) has seen some realization, in that Quick chess rating fees afaik are at least $1 less than rating fees for standard chess.

              Option #6 in the poll (CFC had at least 2000 members) is a bit closer to realization than it was on 1 May 2011, in that the CFC has slightly more members now than at that point in time. Plus, a number of the changes suggested in this poll have been or may soon be realized, which is hopeful for increasing membership levels.

              Option #7 in the poll (CFC members rather than Governors voted for Executive) at the very least still seems be a non-starter with many Governors.

              Option #8 in the poll (CFC pie-charted how an adult CFC membership spent by CFC) may soon be realized in a somewhat similar form, on a regular basis (or for at least for as long as a certain volunteer might contribute such similar pie charts, as is being presently contemplated behind the scenes).

              Option #9 in the poll (CFC had a long-term planning committee) has been realized, and this long-term planning committee is hoping to present something to the Governors at this year's AGM.

              Option #10 in the poll (None of the above would make you like being a member more) so far was apparently/hopefully the sole choice (in this multiple choice poll) of only 6/46 (13.04%) respondents, so the poll's first 9 options, i.e. various combinations of them, are favoured at least in part by a huge majority of respondents, so the measures I suggested make for a comprehensive package of ideas that the CFC might adopt for increasing or retaining membership. As I have outlined above, a number of the measures have been at least partly actualized, but a number also remain either elusive or else apparent non-starters for the forseeable future.

              I have been thinking quite recently about what I might do for my own personal agenda as a Governor for 2012-13, i.e. beyond regular Governor duties like trying to make informed votes on motions that will come up. Some of the measures I suggested in this poll helped form my agenda for 2011-12, and lacking any better ideas at the moment I took another look at this poll's suggested measures.

              The only measure that might appeal to me as a possibly realistic agenda item is to push for the CFC to buy cheap software for its own chess server at some point. I recall a past discussion on a chess message board that mentioned that there is cheap software out there.

              The question is, why would the CFC spend money on even a cheap server? We apparently can't compete on with other servers if we make such a cheap server a paying one for users, so we'd apparently have to use it exclusively to serve just users who were CFC members, as a benefit of their membership.

              In that case, how to ever prove that such a server has at least paid for itself, even if membership goes up? For, it might have risen due to other factors. Well, one thing we might be able to do, if the server software we bought wasn't too cheap, is to offer users (i.e. CFC members) bells and whistles within our own server that they could use only if they paid for them.

              However these would have to be pretty innovative and nifty bells and whistles, otherwise once again we couldn't compete with other chess servers out there. No, I think the only hope that I can see at the moment is that the CFC provided regular CFC rated events on our own server, if we get one, and to do that we need officials/TDs at each terminal that players or teams of players are using to play on our server from. We already plan to do this in the Fall, with the team league that we voted for, but we won't have enough teams or officials to justify buying our own server just for league use, and I suspect it will remain that way for a long time.

              Given the above logic, I presently am rejecting putting the idea of pushing for a CFC server on my personal agenda as a Governor for 2012-13, but maybe my logic is flawed and someone can point out why. Alternatively, they might suggest something else I might push for in 2012-13 as a Governor, i.e. to be part of my own agenda for then.
              Last edited by Kevin Pacey; Sunday, 13th May, 2012, 11:52 PM. Reason: Spelling
              Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
              Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer


              • #37
                Re: Might you like being a CFC member more if...

                Since the "quick" ratings started, I can see only one obvious speed/blitz event rated - and that was a 10-game match between two players. The vast majority are scholastic events - probably at slower time controls than 5 minutes each.


                • #38
                  Re: Might you like being a CFC member more if...

                  Originally posted by Hugh Brodie View Post
                  Since the "quick" ratings started, I can see only one obvious speed/blitz event rated - and that was a 10-game match between two players. The vast majority are scholastic events - probably at slower time controls than 5 minutes each.
                  I may be old fashioned, but I think it might be helpful for seeing how many speed events are happening if organizers are encouraged to include 'speed' or 'blitz' in the name of an event that they submit to be rated as a Quick event, and if the office keeps the name of the event (as it is written) the same on the CFC website's crosstables.

                  If an organizer submits an 'Active' time control (i.e. greater than 5 minute chess) event, they can similarly be encouraged to have 'Active' included in the name of the event. Both 'speed' and 'Active' events could then be rated as Quick events, without the office re-naming them (if that's indeed happening in at least some cases). However, I may be fighting the tide...
                  Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
                  Murphy's law, by Edward A. Murphy Jr., USAF, Aerospace Engineer

