Montreal Open, sept. 9-11

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  • Montreal Open, sept. 9-11

    Kudos to FQE for running such a nice Quebec Open ! Constructive criticism from Louis Robichaud, Hugh Brodie and others will help us improve our own presentation of the Montreal Open Championship Sept. 9 to 11.

    The Montreal Open is the first tournament of the new Tour du Quebec. It will be staged at the same venue as the Quebec Open, i.e. the beautiful patrimonial chapel of collège Jean-de-Brébeuf 3200 Ste-Catherine Road. For players who intend to compete in the tour the Montreal Open is an excellent starting point, as the event will surely receive a hight weighting for the final general standing - see the new FQE weighting rules.

    Please watch our publicity in HPE and various blogs - including this one, of course. One can register by mail, in person at boutique Stratégie (3423 St-Denis, Montréal) or by Paypal on the web.

    Every advance registration will receive a personal confirmation if we are supplied with an e-mail address.
    Tournament site