CFC Website - Please delete old crosstable page references

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  • CFC Website - Please delete old crosstable page references

    Hi Fred:

    I've been looking into the server issues today, and have made some adjustments that will hopefully prevent the pages from going down. I did notice however, that a large number of hits go to xtable.asp, xtableSQL.asp, and membershipinfo_archives2001-2005.asp. These pages, of course, no longer exist; this is true for ALL .asp pages (they are from the old site). These pages seem to get an exceptionally high number of hits, which contributes to maxing out the server.

    I would ask the CFC to send out a notice out to members (a reminder if one has been sent already) stating that with the new website, all of old bookmarks should be deleted and new ones created. You can include links to the most frequently visited pages in this email.

    I hope that with the adjustments I've made, and less visits by your members to the non-existent pages, that we can either eliminate the server issues, or get closer to finding out the reason why we see this much down time.

    We will continue to monitor the website today and tomorrow, and reassess the situation on Monday.

    Thank you for your patience.


  • #2
    Re: CFC Website - Please delete old crosstable page references

    The custom 404 page is probably a little too taxing on the server - plus it encourages laziness in fixing the links, since you can click through to the site from that page.

    Perhaps at least temporarily replace it with a simple page that says the CFC site has been redone, please visit and update your bookmarks.
    Christopher Mallon
    FIDE Arbiter


    • #3
      Re: CFC Website - Please delete old crosstable page references

      Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
      all of old bookmarks should be deleted and new ones created
      Another reason might be search engines still looking for missing pages.


      • #4
        Re: CFC Website - Please delete old crosstable page references

        Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
        I would ask the CFC to send out a notice out to members (a reminder if one has been sent already) stating that with the new website, all of old bookmarks should be deleted and new ones created. You can include links to the most frequently visited pages in this email. Karen
        And is the CFC going to do that?

        Just askin'


        • #5
          Re: CFC Website - Please delete old crosstable page references

          Originally posted by John Coleman View Post
          And is the CFC going to do that?

          Just askin'
          I think we're talking two different things here. If we have links on the site that go nowhere just let me know.


          • #6
            Re: CFC Website - Please delete old crosstable page references

            Originally posted by Fred McKim View Post
            should be deleted and new ones created. ...
            Bulk replace
            (and the like) with

            Interesting; because of the www, Chesstalk converts the first one into a clickable link, which it is not, but leaves the second one alone. It would be nice again to have PRE tags here. A person could effect some mild forms of devilry with the allowable tags here (in fact, I've done devilry above with untagged text); way less with PRE tags, yet PRE tags continue to be verboten. Hey, this is just like real life, a mini-NSA ! Or contemplate this unclickabilology:


            Incidentally, the new link nomenclature is unilingual English (rather than the old pseudo-bilingual) and more verbose than the old.

            Another trick is to use versions for older crosstable links. While the CFC has had enough formats and server failures over the years, things at don't often change or fail. can be a little slower than, but you're not retrieving a whole mass of documents, just one xtable at a time, eh?

            I'm inclined to agree with Egis that (search engine) spiders are likely to be the source of many of these hits.

            I've converted some, but not all, of the pages at my own website, to the new CFC xtable link format.

            Edit 1: I can't verify the newly links because the CFC website is down. Ironic? CFC's Drupal produced this piece of fogology:

            The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
            Error message
            PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1135] Can't create a new thread (errno 12); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in lock_may_be_available() (line 165 of /var/www/vhosts/

            Thank public domainness that it didn't ask that I consult the network administrator; there's a mercy.

            Edit 2: CFC came back online. The bulk replace worked, except for 2010, where I had to add 3 to the tournament_check_number; ymmv. The most recent version at is from 2009. This:
   CFC xtable links are in the right column of the second table.
            Last edited by Jonathan Berry; Thursday, 18th August, 2011, 04:30 PM.


            • #7
              Re: CFC Website - Please delete old crosstable page references

              Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
              Another reason might be search engines still looking for missing pages.
              Yes. uses this:

              [old event name]

              Last update [a while ago]

              Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

              [show tournament-details]

