The CCC Post ( Week of September 23 - 29/11 )

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  • The CCC Post ( Week of September 23 - 29/11 )

    The CCC Post ( Week of September 23 - 29/11 ).

    Q: Winston Churchill said: “ The best argument against democracy is a 5-minute conversation with the average voter. “ Chess is a backwater of life, and chess politics seem to take on an imagined importance that is inversely proportional to that. Chess politics often tend to be petty, juvenile, nasty and counter-productive generally. So why should members be given a bigger role?

    A: The Cooperative Chess Coalition ( CCC ) believes in collegial democracy and member rights. But with that comes the need for greater member education to support greater member responsibility. Even if chess is just a “ sideshow “ of life, it deserves the respect we give all our other life dealings. Greater member participation will moderate the power that some chess politicians have wielded with dubious distinction. But member responsibility also entails respectful dealing among chess members and respect for the organizations by which we try to carry out our Canadian chess program ( but this does not imply “ non-criticism “). When our chess organizations are operating on a healthier basis ( as they have for the last while ), some of the destructive, negative carping and personal attacks recede.

    Want introductory CCC material - . Consider joining !

    Bob, CCC Coordinator
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