Proposed CFC Motion 2012-Z – CFC Quick Chess Rating System

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  • #16
    The Tournament Playing Fee & BCCF

    Hi Fred & Roger:

    I'm afraid I'm a bit lost in the new BC membership complications.

    What does an organizer collect at a CFC-rated event, when the player wants to use the " tournament playing fee option "?

    He collects for the CFC, for an adult $ 16 and for a junior $ 8. What does he collect for the BCCF?



    • #17
      Re: The Tournament Playing Fee & BCCF

      Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
      Hi Fred & Roger:

      I'm afraid I'm a bit lost in the new BC membership complications.

      What does an organizer collect at a CFC-rated event, when the player wants to use the " tournament playing fee option "?

      He collects for the CFC, for an adult $ 16 and for a junior $ 8. What does he collect for the BCCF?

      I'm not sure what you are missing Bob. Maybe an example will help.

      The gpo early bird EF is $75. That includes BCCF membership dues of $4. Everybody pays this.

      Should you happen to not be a CFC member, add $16 adult or $8 junior.


      • #18
        Re: The Tournament Playing Fee & BCCF

        Hi Roger:

        That helps.

        So effectively, BCCF has a tournament playing fee system, and considers it a periodic membership fee. Every tournament, the organizer is to remit to BCCF for each player $ 4, which is not specifically broken out for the players in the advertising - it is combined in the organizers registration fee. So CFC is not obligated to collect anything for the BCCF if the player decides to use the CFC Tournament Playing Fee option, rather than taking out membership.

        Also, I note that the CFC website shows the annual CFC membership fee in BC to be:

        British Columbia 40 27

        So I take it this is all the CFC portion, since CFC no longer collects for BC any BCCF " Membership " fee?

        For Fred, unless others know: I take it as well that CFC doesn't collect provincial membership fees, along with the CFC Membership Fee, in Quebec ( because of the FQE ), in PEI ( it is not a provincial affiliate ), nor it seems in the 3 Territories ( no affiliate )?



        • #19
          Re: The Tournament Playing Fee & BCCF

          Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
          Hi Roger:

          That helps.

          So effectively, BCCF has a tournament playing fee system, and considers it a periodic membership fee. Every tournament, the organizer is to remit to BCCF for each player $ 4, which is not specifically broken out for the players in the advertising - it is combined in the organizers registration fee. So CFC is not obligated to collect anything for the BCCF if the player decides to use the CFC Tournament Playing Fee option, rather than taking out membership.

          Also, I note that the CFC website shows the annual CFC membership fee in BC to be:

          British Columbia 40 27

          So I take it this is all the CFC portion, since CFC no longer collects for BC any BCCF " Membership " fee?

          For Fred, unless others know: I take it as well that CFC doesn't collect provincial membership fees, along with the CFC Membership Fee, in Quebec ( because of the FQE ), in PEI ( it is not a provincial affiliate ), nor it seems in the 3 Territories ( no affiliate )?

          Under our constitution, Affiliated Provincial Associations aren't allowed to separate the two fees, but have to send the the total fee to the CFC and get quarterly rebates.

          Presumably when the BCCF were "allowed" to go to a Tournament style membership fee, it was decided they could simply collect and retain their own fees.

          The FQE have their own rating system, magazine, and run pretty well independently of the CFC.

          Chess PEI, an interim provincial authority, simply has no membership fee.


          • #20
            Proposed CFC Motion 2012-Z – CFC Quick Chess Rating System - Being Filed

            Thanks to those who publicly responded to our Motion 2012-Z on the new " Quick Chess Rating System ".

            There was some concern about blending the faster and slower time controls. But the current Active list is little used, and the Blitz list almost never. So it seems worthwhile to attempt something new, to try to generated more interest in rated quicker chess.

            There was some concern re the cost, but we feel we have made it financially attractive by pricing it lower than regular rated tournaments. The pricing can be reviewed after 6 months implementation of the new system, to see if it should be adjusted.

            We have decided therefore to proceed to file our motion for the 2012 Winter On-line Meeting ( early January ). If you wish your governors to vote a certain way on this, contact your local governor and let them know.

            Bob A ( GTCL CFC Governor )


            • #21
              Re: Proposed CFC Motion 2012-Z – CFC Quick Chess Rating System

              Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
              5. All-Junior Tournaments Rating Fee - this is a loss leader for CFC, to try to get more juniors to eventually take out full junior membership. These juniors do to some extent eventually become adult members. It is hoped that foregoing revenue here is a good investment. Also, raising the rating fee will leave the CMA rating system more attractive, and we would be forfeiting possible future CFC junior members. Also, CFC is already rating the all-junior tournaments ( though sometimes wrongly rating 30 minute games as " regular " rating - this is now being corrected ) - so CFC obviously feels it is a worthwhile foregoing of revenue.
              I believe that this idea that if the CMA wins that the CFC somehow loses is just wrong. Most CMA players also participate in CFC play. If you think of it as the CMA does a lot of work and "subsidizes" tournaments and players through low rating fees and then these players will later graduate to CFC play its like having a farm team that doesn't cost the CFC any money and in fact benefits us by expanding chess in Canada. Some people complain that the junior ratings are subsidized and costing the CFC money because of their strain on administrative resources.

              There is this mindset of forgoing revenue in the CFC which is just wrong as well. At one point last year I was taken to task by a CFC governor because he claimed I was being subsidized by other members by playing so many games. Taken to its logical conclusion this would suggest that the CFC should be discouraging chess activity. It also understates the importance of the $3 per player rating fee revenue that gets generated by every event.

              In the USCF I played in a tournament Saturday and Sunday and there was already a report on the USCF website that Sunday evening with new ratings calculated. Obviously they used a program to submit the large multi-section tournament and it instantly appears on the website. The only caveat is that new tournaments get held in a buffer apparently to be sorted out in chronological order so these ratings were unofficial. This seems like a better way of doing things that what the CFC is currently doing.


              • #22
                Re: Proposed CFC Motion 2012-Z – CFC Quick Chess Rating System

                Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                In the USCF I played in a tournament Saturday and Sunday and there was already a report on the USCF website that Sunday evening with new ratings calculated. Obviously they used a program to submit the large multi-section tournament and it instantly appears on the website. The only caveat is that new tournaments get held in a buffer apparently to be sorted out in chronological order so these ratings were unofficial. This seems like a better way of doing things that what the CFC is currently doing.
                CMA uses a similar system: the organiser submits a report electronically, and it is rated automatically right away. The official ratings are published a few days later.


                • #23
                  Re: Proposed CFC Motion 2012-Z – CFC Quick Chess Rating System

                  Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post

                  In the USCF I played in a tournament Saturday and Sunday and there was already a report on the USCF website that Sunday evening with new ratings calculated. Obviously they used a program to submit the large multi-section tournament and it instantly appears on the website. The only caveat is that new tournaments get held in a buffer apparently to be sorted out in chronological order so these ratings were unofficial. This seems like a better way of doing things that what the CFC is currently doing.
                  Obviously the ratings cannot be cast in stone until all rated events have been submitted for a given period. There are several questions around this though: how long should the ratings remain "re-runable" while waiting for possibly conflicting events to arrive and what to do with an event that comes in after that timeframe that would cause changes if it had been rated in proper chronological order.

                  I don't know what the CFC rating system does with this sort of situation. Obviously, an event that comes in late (say 40 days? after the event for sake of argument) can cause only one of the following actions:

                  1- insert it in the actual time-dated sequence it belongs and re-rate everything since that point in time

                  1a - have a clever rating program that re-rates only games that are affected by the late arrival...

                  2- since it is so late, pretend it just happened and treat it as if it happened when it arrived

                  3- toss it out

                  If you have a busy time of year, or several large tournaments where a bunch of the same players play in several events around the same series of weeks, the order events are rated can make quite a difference to some rating calculations.

                  This whole topic was raised a while back (by me) and the answers I got all ranged on the "I think this happens..." or "I've seen x happen in that case..." but I don't recall anyone stating what should happen and what does happen.
                  ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.


                  • #24
                    Re: Proposed CFC Motion 2012-Z – CFC Quick Chess Rating System

                    It seems like FIDE has introduced their own Rapid and Blitz Rating List.
                    See link:


                    • #25
                      Re: Proposed CFC Motion 2012-Z – CFC Quick Chess Rating System

                      Originally posted by Simon Ong View Post
                      It seems like FIDE has introduced their own Rapid and Blitz Rating List.
                      See link:
                      Thanks for pointing that out. I'm going to bring it up with Michael VK, Hal B and Paul L to figure out what we're going to do.

