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  • Evaluation

    As I have mentioned a while back, I have started the construction of a chess engine. However, because I am not a great chess player (neither is anyone on our team, unfortunately), we are kind of stuck as we do the evaluation stage of our project.

    Below is what we have and are planning to do, all input will be helpful.

    *Isolated Pawns (done - buggy)
    *Passed Pawns (done - buggy)
    *Doubled / Tripled / etc. Pawns (done - buggy)
    *Material (done)
    *Bishop vs. Knight (done)
    *Two Bishops (done)
    *Control Squares e.g., b5 is under "white" control after 1.e4. (implementing)
    *King's Pawn Cover (done)
    *Mean Distance from Opponent King (implementing)
    *Space (planned)
    *Loose and Trapped Pieces (planned)
    *Board weighting, e.g. more emphasis on central squares, squares closer to the king, squares on open diagonals, etc. (planned)

  • #2
    Re: Evaluation

    Sounds like a fun little project. If the computer is still pretty weak I'll toss an idea out there. I think control squares and space control should be combined for now. For your purposes, give each color (white and black) an array. At move 1 white will control all third rank squares, black will control all 6th... So add these squares into their respective arrays. After each move (I'm sure you already have valid move checking) update each array - by looping through each piece for either color and adding the squares to which it can move to the array for the respective color. Then for each square, loop through each array to get the number of occurrences of the square for each color. Whichever array has more occurrences of the square will see the respective color controlling that square. If occurrences are equal (including none of a square for either side) ignore that square for now. Sum the number of squares controlled by each color and you'll have a space control ratio. You can also weight different squares more heavily (ex 3rd to 6th ranks), but get the basics down for now. You already have data for control of a certain square. I've only spent 5 mins on this idea so it's most likely incorrect, but it's a start. Tell me how it goes.
    i rep back 3+

