Of Abraham, Martin and Mice

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  • Of Abraham, Martin and Mice

    This is a plea for a civil rights movement – or maybe just a civility as right movement.

    I have a dream that one day bennie daswannabe (that OUTKAST from some chameleonic caste system – lower caste whenever it’s convenient apparently) and his insignificant other Lucas will at long last morph into a single, more easily monitored entity - a Lennie if you will - and by George, Lennie can then hiphop off forever into its alternate reality where its unique blend of sensitivity and relevance can be truly appreciated; where it can pontificrap ad nellyum on topics like spirituality from its indisputably sensitive and unretarded state of enlightenment. And yes Lennie, you do get to tend the rabbits.

    Martin Lurker King JuNo
    (it’s a Kierkegaardian dialectical device oh ye disingenuous citer of the most impoverished of Beatles’ material)

    Concluding (whatever that means…) Unscientific Postscript
    How dare you accuse Sam of being a doctor – such hypocrasy! I was like gonna obelise the obfuscation ‘til Lennie went all Nietzsche on a horse. I suspect Mr. Otteson would like to retract his previous praise. I believe he deserves a mulligan on this one. I’m fairly certain he now realizes that although Lennie’s adoption of the trappings of superficiality i.e. egregious 3 piece suit, walking stick, etc. doesn’t necessarily translate to philistinism i.e. something along the lines of – oh – I don’t know – let’s say the gutless pigeonholing of a defenseless waiter at his workplace where said waiter is unable to put some punk patron in his place for fear of losing his job, etc., it doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t. What Mr. Otteson didn’t realize was that the 3 piece suit and walking stick are the standard parting gifts on that MTV reality show “Pimp my Pimp”. Also, Mr. Otteson must have missed the tattoo of a head on Lennie’s neck. Lennie – the only thing you’re the nexus of is a butt and a groin.

    Feel free to ban me. I’ll gladly be the sacrificial lambaste. There have been posts on this board expressing concern that the general public will get a terrible impression of chess and chessplayers based on the posts of the Lennies on this board. That’s probably true but it’s probably also true that they’ve been equally, or even more, appalled by the relative lack of outrage those posts have generated. Of course, this tirade is no better and seemingly abnegates the civility for which its opening statement pleads but – paradox of paradoxes - I was just itching to do my deserving texter (a Dexter if you will) impression. So feel free to ban me but Lennie needs to go too. Actually, ennie of the Lennies will do. We deserve it.

    Concluding (for “real”?) Unscientific Postscript
    This will be my one and only post – so to friends, who may want to get in touch with me, please do so via a private message (if I’m not banned), email, etc. I won’t be responding via the discussion board. I intended for my post to be deleted and I intended to get myself banned. Just consider the irony if I’m banned but Daswani (he of the bring a man’s cancer into the discussion; he of the continued use of the word “retarded” when told by someone who has a mentally challenged member in their family how hurtful this is – try to rationalize this anyway you want – basic decency was, at the very least, a possible choice - for whatever reason, it was rationalized away; he of the inclusion of a link to a video of a pedophile in a post, etc. hell – Mr. Infallible couldn’t even spell “hypocrisy” correctly – come to think of it, it’s even simpler than that - Mr. Computer Wizard apparently doesn’t know how to use a spellchecker; need I go on? ) survives. A little humility please…

    “Ah but I was so much older then…
    I’m younger then that now”

    If I’m not banned, I won’t be making any more posts anyway. I will continue to visit this website because it is useful for chess purposes and I don’t mind having to wade through off-topic stuff but who wants to wade through crap? And it’s not as simple as “hey – just don’t read those posts” because, at a minimum, it can appear in the subject lines of threads. I don’t envy the administrators of ChessTalk. They are caught between the rock of free speech and the hard place of hatefulness. They do a helluva job.

    And lastly…why? Because “Luc – Time’s your father”. Obi Wan gets it. Das ennie wani else get it?

  • #2
    If I have 2 mouses for my computer then do I have mice?

    Originally posted by Mike Beatty View Post
    I intended for my post to be deleted and I intended to get myself banned.
    OK, Mike. I thought I'd just quote you on that.

    If I’m not banned, I won’t be making any more posts anyway.
    Hey! That's pretty good as well. It reminds me of the Rhino (political) candidate who said that, if elected, he promised to demand an immediate recount. In the same spirit, Groucho Marx once said that he'd never join a club that would accept him as a member.

    In the words of # 6: "Be seeing you!"
    Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.

