Quote of the day

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  • Quote of the day

    "Kevin Spraggett was the only titled player in Montreal, where I grew up. I used to play in a Friday night blitz tournament with him participating. In my many battles (as a 15-year-old versus the then IM Spraggett!) I noticed just how unapologetically greedy he was! This left a deep impression on me, and to this day I follow my teacher's path and play like an avaricious Wall Street banker!" -- IM Cyrus Lakdawala in A Ferocious Chess Opening Repertoire.

  • #2
    Re: Quote of the day

    What most impressed me about Kevin Spraggett at the chess board was his patience. While he appeared to be treading water, the opponent (often this humble observer) was drowning! I've compared his genius to that of Petrosian or of Nimzowitsch. Of course, both of those guys were also outstanding tacticians, so if KS was blithely taking anything that was not nailed down, perhaps it says more about the level, at the time, of the opposition. Or the nature of the Blitz struggle.

    In BC, Bob Zuk was (in-)famous for grubbing the opponent's pawns, but I can't say that was a big trend in our encounters. That might also indicate that his opponent in those games was, at the time, a materialist.

    But Masters are, after all, the 1%.

