Allyearchess Chess-Widget

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  • Allyearchess Chess-Widget

    Hi to everyone,

    In we have the first 3 Widgets.

    you can find here and I wish to know if works. If someone try, please let me know if is succeful:

    1) You can see the chess tournament recommended (total of 8, and print on the screen by random). 400x300

    2) The last tournament register 800x160

    3) The last tournament register 400x300

    * add 3 new tournaments every day (average)

    If somebody add the widget to his website, please let me know to see if works, and if someone like other size, please leave a post.

    At the moment it's only a test.

    Thank you for your help

    Joan Albert Dalmàs
    Last edited by Joan Albert Dalmas; Tuesday, 27th December, 2011, 09:06 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Allyearchess Chess-Widget

    Dear Larry,
    Last edited by Joan Albert Dalmas; Wednesday, 28th December, 2011, 09:35 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Allyearchess Chess-Widget

      Originally posted by Joan Albert Dalmas View Post
      <iframe src="" id="RSIFrame" name="RSIFrame" width="400" height="305" scrolling="no"><br />
      </iframe><br />
      <a href="" target="RSIFrame" onclick="test();return true"><p align="left"> More recommended tournaments</p></a> <br />
      Hi Joan,

      I have no problem with you promoting your site here...once a month...but if you don't have any intention of making contributions on other matters...then...what you are doing is pure advertising...and people pay for we understand each other?



      • #4
        Re: Allyearchess Chess-Widget

        Dear Larry,

        First at all, I apologise if I did something wrong.

        It's true I was trying to let chess players know of my webpage, where they can find chess tournaments, I never thought I was doing something wrong. I'm sorry.

        In this post, I just wanted to test some widgets of chess. new widgets that I did yeasterday.

        I'm really sorry,

        Joan Albert Dalmàs.

