It's been a slice...

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  • #31
    Re: It's been a slice...

    Originally posted by Kerry Liles View Post
    Unduly Harsh.
    Thank you, Kerry.

    I can say I always gave it my best shot when I represented Canada in International events.

    If Ottosen wants to call my playing efforts and organizing efforts in over the board and correspondence chess whoring I can certainly live with that.

    At least I was never a whore for poker.
    Gary Ruben
    CC - IA and SIM


    • #32
      Re: It's been a slice...

      Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
      If Ottosen wants to call my playing efforts and organizing efforts in over the board and correspondence chess whoring I can certainly live with that.
      Where did I say this? I imagine your playing and organizing was long and praiseworthy, and your post would likely have been very interesting on whatever the international correspondence chess forum is to the many other seniors who still play it.

      However, on chesstalk, this silly post cries out "look at me", and that is borne out by the fact that despite 30 subsequent posts, only 1 or 2 are actually about your original post.


      • #33
        Re: It's been a slice...

        Originally posted by David Ottosen View Post
        Where did I say this? I imagine your playing and organizing was long and praiseworthy, and your post would likely have been very interesting on whatever the international correspondence chess forum is to the many other seniors who still play it.

        However, on chesstalk, this silly post cries out "look at me", and that is borne out by the fact that despite 30 subsequent posts, only 1 or 2 are actually about your original post.
        The original post required no replies at all. It was simply for anyone I know who might wonder why I'm not listed in any of the recent events on the CCCA web site. I find it preferable to simply disappearing from play or becoming a "whatever happened to" trivia question.

        I don't find others wanting to use the topic for other things to be a problem or annoying.

        The fact is that if your assertion top level international correspondence chess, which is what this is all about, was correct regarding seniors, I wouldn't be retiring.

        All is good, David. No argument with the national federation. No bad feelings. I'm not returning my life membership or that sort of thing. It's actually quite refreshing and much less time consuming.
        Gary Ruben
        CC - IA and SIM


        • #34
          Re: It's been a slice...

          Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
          Well, I just have one question for the climate change skeptics:

          It is January, where is the snow?

          Perhaps, we should listen to the sandwich boards guys, once in a while.
          The snow is in Alaska. Sarah Palin had to hire some Russians to dig out her driveway, the plows couldn't get through!

          One winter without snow south of Edmonton or Thunder Bay does not a climate change make. But seriously, is there no snow at all even in the snow belt areas of Ontario?

          Cold and snow are coming this week to the U.S. midwest. Crisis averted.
          Only the rushing is heard...
          Onward flies the bird.


          • #35
            Re: It's been a slice...

            Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
            It was simply for anyone I know who might wonder why I'm not listed in any of the recent events on the CCCA web site. I find it preferable to simply disappearing from play or becoming a "whatever happened to" trivia question.
            I would wager significant amounts that no such question was ever forthcoming on chesstalk. And what do I care about your relationship with the CFC?


            • #36
              Re: It's been a slice...

              Originally posted by David Ottosen View Post
              And what do I care about your relationship with the CFC?
              What does the CFC have to do with any of this? This message board is not a CFC message board. The CFC has not been involved in correspondence chess organizing. The CFC has nothing to do with any of this.

              Why don't you stick to topics with which you are familiar? Unless your purpose is to provide entertainment.
              Gary Ruben
              CC - IA and SIM


              • #37
                Re: It's been a slice...

                Originally posted by Gary Ruben View Post
                What does the CFC have to do with any of this?
                good question...

                Originally posted by Gary Ruben
                No argument with the national federation. No bad feelings. I'm not returning my life membership or that sort of thing
                maybe you can answer it yourself?


                • #38
                  Re: It's been a slice...

                  Originally posted by David Ottosen View Post

                  maybe you can answer it yourself?
                  The organization involved is the Canadian Correspondence Chess Association. I have had a life membership since sometime in the 1980's. They are the correspondence national association in Canada and are recognized by the international federation.

                  The CFC is simply not involved. I'm not a member of the CFC.

                  Now possibly you could answer a question. What possible objection could you have to me announcing my retirement from competive correspondence chess on a message board where some of the participants either currently play correspondence play or hold international titles in correspondence chess?

                  If you misunderstood the intent of my post or the organizational differences of the chess organizations, I can understand that. Otherwise I'm at a loss to understand your post and the nastiness it conveyed.
                  Gary Ruben
                  CC - IA and SIM


                  • #39
                    Re: It's been a slice...

                    Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
           blooms with this form (it is called Online chess, while 1, 5 min etc - Live chess ), thus "dying" is just premature.
                    No, the reality is correspondance chess has been rendered meaningless as a competition by technology. This has been true for at least 15 years but probably longer.

                    Ruben frequently compares correspondance chess with otb chess using what most would call a fraudulant approach. By allowing this exercise to go on otb chess players risk seeing their own competitions seem trivial to the outside world, including legitimate sponsors and prospective players.

                    I came up with a great analogy some time back. Rotisserie baseball is to major league baseball as correspondance chess is to world class otb chess. If someone is an extremely good rotisserie baseball player, they have the skill of knowing the players well and probably by association understand the game of baseball very well. However, it does not make you a capable and strong major league baseball player. You might be both, but you better be on that field playing if you are making the claim.

                    I've noted there are a few older gentlemen on this site that give correspondance a fair bit of credit. However, try explaining the concept to today's young people, see how far you get. A more relevant question than is correspondance chess relevant ( its clearly not ) is can otb chess remain relevant moving forward. Holding onto relics like correspondance as competition may ironically be the recipe to regulating all forms of chess to hobby status like other board games. And veteran chess players will be the last people understanding this.
                    Last edited by Duncan Smith; Wednesday, 11th January, 2012, 07:59 PM.


                    • #40
                      Re: It's been a slice...

                      Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
                      He always did seem mathematically challenged judging from his comments on the economic side of things that usually just make him look kind of dim most of the time.

                      Well to be fair he did put down my chess playing ability, as well, and it is clear that I am a much better player than he is even when I am having a bad day.

                      I'm mathematically challenged. You gotta problem with that?

                      (Humanities student here)


                      • #41
                        Re: It's been a slice...

                        "Stand up for red, blue, and gold."

                        What's the next line?
                        "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                        "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                        "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                        • #42
                          Re: It's been a slice...

                          Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
                          No, the reality is correspondance chess has been rendered meaningless as a competition by technology.
                          Dance with the star ;)

                          Anyway, technology transformed analyses and a moves' transmission (mails>emails>servers). Meaningless - - there more useless activities in the world, like playing poker :p


                          • #43
                            Re: It's been a slice...

                            Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
                            No, the reality is correspondance chess has been rendered meaningless as a competition by technology. This has been true for at least 15 years but probably longer.

                            Ruben frequently compares correspondance chess with otb chess using what most would call a fraudulant approach. By allowing this exercise to go on otb chess players risk seeing their own competitions seem trivial to the outside world, including legitimate sponsors and prospective players.

                            I came up with a great analogy some time back. Rotisserie baseball is to major league baseball as correspondance chess is to world class otb chess. If someone is an extremely good rotisserie baseball player, they have the skill of knowing the players well and probably by association understand the game of baseball very well. However, it does not make you a capable and strong major league baseball player. You might be both, but you better be on that field playing if you are making the claim.

                            I've noted there are a few older gentlemen on this site that give correspondance a fair bit of credit. However, try explaining the concept to today's young people, see how far you get. A more relevant question than is correspondance chess relevant ( its clearly not ) is can otb chess remain relevant moving forward. Holding onto relics like correspondance as competition may ironically be the recipe to regulating all forms of chess to hobby status like other board games. And veteran chess players will be the last people understanding this.
                            What would a retirement party be without a visit from Hazel's father?
                            Gary Ruben
                            CC - IA and SIM


                            • #44
                              Re: It's been a slice...

                              Originally posted by Duncan Smith View Post
                              No, the reality is correspondance chess has been rendered meaningless as a competition by technology. This has been true for at least 15 years but probably longer.
                              Funny how easily many people can confuse the way they see and understand things with what they call "reality" instead of "my reality". Referring to "reality" is probably the weakest argument someone can come up with.
                              I have lost interest and stopped playing correspondance chess quite a long time ago for different reasons. Yet I would not call something that still give people (I dont care how many) pleasure and challenge them "meaningless". Nowadays correspondance chess is being played with powerfull tools. So what ? The ones better able to combine their own skills with that of the powerfull tools still deservedly come up on top. Garri Kasparov who certainly knows a thing or two about chess, believes in and promoted this man-machine partnership as a viable type of competition, aiming at closing in on playing "perfect chess" .
                              Has running and other types of races been made "meaningless" because of the technology called motor cars ? Not a century ago and not now. We simply
                              continue to race, whatever the means.


                              • #45
                                Re: It's been a slice...

                                Originally posted by Garvin Nunes View Post
                                I'm mathematically challenged. You gotta problem with that?

                                (Humanities student here)
                                As long as you refrain from lecturing me on economic and financial issues while making claims that a graduate of a grade eight math program clearly shouldn't make, I don't have a problem with that.

