Jan 14 Rapid results

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  • Jan 14 Rapid results

    7 Players - 5 rds swiss

    1st: Yuri Aronov 5-0
    2nd: Nikola Brajkovic 3 1/2 - 1 1/2
    A Prize: Peter McSherry 2 1/2 points

    Current rapid ratings

    Bator Sambuev 2682
    Gerzhoy Leonid 2583
    Noritsyn Nikolay 2583
    Samsonkin Artem 2561
    Plotkin Victor 2469
    Sapozhnikov Roman 2472
    Ochkoos Yuri 2450
    Tayar Jonathan 2420
    Martchenko Alex 2419
    Rek Slava 2410
    Kleinman Michael 2400
    Gulko Andre 2398
    Bailey Doug 2369
    Zuniga Dante 2342
    Aronov Yuri 2294
    Puri Vinny 2293
    Preotu Razvan 2262
    Dougherty Mike 2251
    Campbell Bret 2248
    Jung Hans 2247
    Murray Peter 2240
    Song Michael 2235
    Yevhen Molchanov 2229
    Fiedler Brian 2201
    Plotkin Mark 2198
    Southam Dave 2185
    Ivanov Mike 2170
    Zeromskis Egis 2140
    Shebetah Wajdy 2139
    Miletic Dusan 2124
    Pedersen Rune 2118
    Haziprodromu Sam 2080
    Brajkovic Nikola 2076
    Malette Martin 2071
    Dobrich Vlad 2062
    Evans Bill 2047
    Zhang Yuan Chen 2022
    Stavropoulos Greg 1999
    Malmsten Eric 1987
    Isaac Zelcer 1974
    Posaratnanathan Julian 1970
    Chernik Dmitry 1970
    Chidley-Hill John 1955
    Robinson Dave 1916
    Zagar Milan 1911
    Steadman Richard 1829
    Chen Richard 1796
    McSherry Peter 1796
    Bell Ian 1795
    McNeil Hugh 1792
    O'Bumsawin Nick 1714
    Ali Shafkat 1705
    Matthews Dan 1678
    Mowers Dan 1676
    Belaiche Kyle 1613
    Goodman Shaul 1604
    Singer Ron 1600
    Heller Bob 1600
    Goodman Halli 1600

    The 15 minute Rapid is played from 2pm every Saturday
    at the Maple Leaf Sports Bar 828 Danforth (half way between
    the Pape and Donlands subway stations).
    Entry fee is $30 - cash prizes for winners in rating
    groupings as well as the top two or three over all.

  • #2
    Re: Jan 14 Rapid results

    Doug Bailey predicts 12 people will show up for next Saturday's Rapid.

