New Alekhine Book from the FQE

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  • #16
    Re: Re : New Alekhine Book from the FQE

    Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
    Thnx. Looked once at a price and decided - not yet. Let's way for an English edition :)
    It is definitely a collector's item, but for someone who can read french it is also an excellent Alekhine biography with quite a few lesser or unknown documents and stories. It is a quite pleasant read. A very worthy addition to chess books in french and on Alekhine's life.


    • #17
      Re : New Alekhine Book from the FQE

      Originally posted by Felix Dumont View Post
      There's about 15-20 pages on his death and there's one picture in particular that I've not been able to find on internet. It's a letter by Antonio J. Ferreira, M.D., who assisted to Alekhine's autopsy. However, it might already have been published. Maybe the author could give us more details on it.
      Un des premiers collectionneurs qui obtint ce document fut le Dr Donald A. Limbeck. Malheureusement, la maladie l'obligea à se départir de plusieurs items de collections. M.RayAlexis devint par la suite l'acquéreur, mais s'en départit en 2005 lors du Las Vegas International Chess Festival au profit de M.Lawrence Totaro. Quelques mois plus tard, j'entrepris des démarches pour en faire l'acquisition. On en vint rapidement à une entente. Réf page 303

      En espérant le tout à votre entière satisfaction. Bonne lecture à tous!


      • #18
        Re: Re : New Alekhine Book from the FQE

        Originally posted by Guy Gignac View Post
        Un des premiers collectionneurs qui obtint ce document fut le Dr Donald A. Limbeck. Malheureusement, la maladie l'obligea à se départir de plusieurs items de collections. M.RayAlexis devint par la suite l'acquéreur, mais s'en départit en 2005 lors du Las Vegas International Chess Festival au profit de M.Lawrence Totaro. Quelques mois plus tard, j'entrepris des démarches pour en faire l'acquisition. On en vint rapidement à une entente. Réf page 303

        En espérant le tout à votre entière satisfaction. Bonne lecture à tous!
        According to Google translate:

        One of the first collectors who obtained the document was Dr. Donald A. Limbeck. Unfortunately, the disease forced him to dispose of several items in collections. Mr. RayAlexis later became the purchaser, but are disposed of in 2005 at the Las Vegas International Chess Festival for the benefit of Mr. Lawrence Totaro. A few months later, I began taking steps to make the acquisition. It soon came to an agreement. Ref page 303

        Hoping everything to your satisfaction. Happy reading!
        ...Mike Pence: the Lord of the fly.

