RIP Al Napierala

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  • RIP Al Napierala

    It is with great sadness that the
    Brantford Chess Club reports the passing
    of Al Napierala

    Al won the Brantford Championship 13 times
    67, 68, 72, 75-77, 84, 86, 91-94, 99

    The Championship Trophy will be renamed in honour of
    Al Napierala and Helmut Tanz (11 Championships)
    58, 69-71, 78, 80, 82, 85, 89, 95, 98

  • #2
    Re: RIP Al Napierala

    I'm sorry to hear about the passing of Al Napierala. He was a very nice gentleman and a pretty darn good chess player. Brantford seems to losing a lot of its' history of chess players.

    All the best to his family.


    • #3
      Re: RIP Al Napierala

      Sad news. Al was both a great player and a great guy. Even in his later years, his play was always good enough to be near the very top at the club. You could always count on a tough game. Al also loved to golf and would continue to play at local courses will into November and sometimes into December at some of the local courses in Brantford. He will be missed.

      The old school players are almost gone. Joe Meszaros must be well into his 80's, but I hear he still drops by now and then. Not sure if Hank Molenaar (spelling) is still around, but he has also been on the scene for a long long time.


      • #4
        Re: RIP Al Napierala

        Yes It is sad to see a generation of players coming to an end
        Its been over a year since I last saw Andy Reinal (Spelling) or John Turjany and longer for Hank Molenaar.
        Joe Meszaros still comes out occasionally and still takes scalps:)

        However, the future looks bright with Adam Cormier 16yrs (2085):), Tyler Ensor and Russell Dunk rapidly improving.
        Last edited by Lee Hendon; Saturday, 28th January, 2012, 02:54 PM.

