Guidance for Rating Junior Chess Events

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  • Guidance for Rating Junior Chess Events

    Posted by Paul Leblanc, CFC Rating Auditor/BC CFC Governor, on the members' CFC Chess Chat Forum - I thought it should reach more people, and so have reposted it here:

    Guidance for Rating Junior Chess Events

    At the January 2012 CFC Governors Meeting, a motion to amend the time control regulations for Standard/Regular rating of junior events was defeated. Therefore, all chess events, regardless of the age of participants must be conducted with a time control of no less than 60 minutes per player for each game in order to qualify for Regular/Standard rating. This may include increments based on 60 moves (CFC Handbook article 711). Otherwise, events are to be submitted for Active rating.

    A separate initiative to rejuvenate the Active rating system is being implemented by the CFC. This system will be re-named Quick Ratings and will incorporate various time controls less than currently required for Standard/Regular ratings. All players with Standard/Regular ratings but no existing Active ratings will be given a new Quick rating commensurate with their Standard/Regular rating.

    Organizers of junior events may wish to consider using the slower time controls for more experienced players and submitting the remaining games for Active/Quick rating.

    In auditing events I will consider the following factors:

    All events rated Standard/Regular should:

    1. use chess clocks
    2. require both players to record moves
    3. have time set for no less than game in 60 minutes per player (may include increments based on 60 moves) (CFC Handbook article 711)
    4. have time controls and round times advertised in pre-event advertising and posted on organizer's website (CFC Handbook article 711)
    5. have no more than 4 games per day
    6. include the exact time control with the rating submission to the CFC

    Otherwise, events must be submitted for Active/Quick Rating. Rare exemptions may be granted on the recommendation of the Rating Auditor and approved by the CFC Executive.

    Paul Leblanc
    CFC Rating Auditor
    5 February 2012
    Paul Leblanc
    Treasurer, Chess Foundation of Canada
    CFC Rating Auditor
    CFC Governor