Chess in the Library in Aurora, ON (Feb 14)

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  • Chess in the Library in Aurora, ON (Feb 14)

    and Aurora Chess Club will host

    Chess in the Library in Aurora, York Region, ON.

    It is a monthly drop-in Chess Club with its meeting today (Tuesday, Feb 14, 2012), starting at 6 PM till 9 PM. It is a library's adult program - meaning only 18+ years old can participate. (It might change in the future. At least non-formal meetings take place during Thursdays. Contact me about details, or write an email to the AuCC.)


    About the first meeting at

  • #2
    Re: Chess in the Library in Aurora, ON (Feb 14)

    Why hasn't WIM Yuanling Yuan claimed copyright infringement on this yet?


    • #3
      Re: Chess in the Library in Aurora, ON (Feb 14)

      This time the library personal was open minded and allowed kids to practice. (Some of those kids will compete in the Optimist Chess event the next Thursday, Feb 23)
      Again people who have not played for ages came to enjoy chess games. Several players are going to the Hart House Open to try a tournament play. Good luck.

      The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 1.


      Originally posted by Jesse Wang View Post
      Why hasn't WIM Yuanling Yuan claimed copyright infringement on this yet?
      Did she answer you personally? Anyway, chess in libraries are older than Yuan. Some libraries are better than others - some have even dedicated chess tables and organized national events. ;)

