Carnival chess tournament (Quebec city), standings

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  • Carnival chess tournament (Quebec city), standings

    The tournament is rated: Link.

    Thank you to all participants and the masters for their participation. Thank you to the club team of Sainte-Foy for the preparation of the room, closing and additional assistance (Nicolas Chiffot, John Bleau, Serge Champetier and Stéphane Gaudreault) and thank you to JR Boutin for arbitration.

    Congratulations to the winners of the tournament!

    Congratulations to Jean Hebert and Renier Castellanos tied for winning the open section.

    Prices that remain to be sent by the end of week. Receipt from the week of March 5.

    Next major tournament in Quebec City, Tournoi d'échecs de la Saint-Jean, 22-23-24 June. Details to come.