The CFC Regular Chess Post – March 7/12 ( # 2 ) – CFC “ Quick Chess Rating System "

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  • The CFC Regular Chess Post – March 7/12 ( # 2 ) – CFC “ Quick Chess Rating System "

    Posted on CFC " News " Forum:

    The CFC Regular Chess Post – March 7/12 ( # 2 ) – New CFC “ Quick Chess Rating System “ Ready to Go.

    I ( Paul Leblanc, CFC Governor and Rating Auditor ) am pleased to announce ( minor editing ):

    The CFC Quick Chess Ratings that govern all games with time controls less than 60 minutes ( to 5 min. ) per player have been updated as follows:

    All CFC players with Regular ratings but no previous Active ratings have been assigned provisional Quick Chess ratings. In most cases the new Quick Chess rating is equal to the current Regular rating. The CFC hopes to make Quick Chess ratings more meaningful by this change. Please allow a few events to be rated before you judge the success of this measure.

    To assist you in determining the appropriate rating category for your events, I offer the following:

    All events rated Standard/Regular should:

    1. use chess clocks
    2. require both players to record moves
    3. have time set for no less than game in 60 minutes per player (may include increments based on 60 moves) (CFC Handbook article 711)
    4. have time controls and round times advertised in pre-event advertising and posted on organizer's website (CFC Handbook article 711)
    5. have no more than 4 games in 24 hours
    6. include the exact time control with the rating submission to the CFC

    Otherwise, events must be submitted for Quick Chess Rating. Rare exemptions may be granted on the recommendation of the Rating Auditor and approved by the CFC Executive.

    Note: By Fred McKim, seconder of the motion implementing Quick Chess Ratings:

    Any games played with less than 15 minutes must be indicated when submitting (as rating gains or losses are cut in half).

    Bob Armstrong, CFC Public Relations Coordinator
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