Poll (Blitz ratings)

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  • Poll (Blitz ratings)

    Out of curiosity and to see where Bob's coming from with his advocacy of having events CFC blitz rated, I wanna see how chess talkers feel about this thing.

    Pros - see how strong you are, show off your fancy new blitz ratings, generate revenue for the CFC. Tell people my otb blitz rating is higher than my online blitz rating, etc.
    Cons - see how weak you are, have everyone realize that you're terrible with blitz and they should try to flag you in long games, generate revenue for the CFC. Have people tell me to stick with internet chess and quit otb blitz chess, etc.

    I know very few people who post on chesstalk actually play otb chess - I'm looking at you Gary Ruben, but I would still like your input. After our limited success - 21 people showed up for our first blitz tournament, we're hoping to host more in the future and get more people showing up. We might even want to have some kind of a Toronto blitz tournament with cool shiny trophies to remind everyone that they too, can be like kids and win trophies and put it by their bedside and show it off to their friends.

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention - blitz ratings are from 5-minutes to 59 minutes... I wanna say something mean about it... but I'll stop myself
    Cheers, Bindi
    YES! I love ratings, it helps me sleep at night
    Blitz ratings sounds cool, now I can compare my online rating to my over the board rating
    Meh, I don't really care, as long as I don't have to pay for it
    I don't want to pay for blitz ratings, but I don't mind having it once a year if I'm forced to.
    OH GOD NO, have you heard of ICC or Playchess? Just go get your ratings online
    Last edited by Bindi Cheng; Monday, 26th March, 2012, 02:42 AM.
    Shameless self-promotion on display here

  • #2
    Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

    It could help make sections in a bigger blitz event. Can't really use online or standard rating for that.

    SCC used to have weekly cash tournament. Think they kept their own records of blitz ratings.
    Marcus Wilker
    Annex Chess Club
    Toronto, Ontario


    • #3
      Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

      And events with only kids in them are still CFC rated for free?
      Marcus Wilker
      Annex Chess Club
      Toronto, Ontario


      • #4
        Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

        Originally posted by Bindi Cheng View Post
        - blitz ratings are from 5-minutes to 59 minutes...
        Bindi, the CFC Quick Rating system is for games between 5 and 59 minutes.
        Blitz is still Blitz, 5 minutes.


        • #5
          Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

          Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
          the CFC Quick Rating system is for games between 5 and 59 minutes.
          More precise necessary to include "with increments Game/3 with 2 sec. increment" too. (Is 4min+1s still legal?


          • #6
            Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
            Bindi, the CFC Quick Rating system is for games between 5 and 59 minutes.
            Blitz is still Blitz, 5 minutes.
            From 5 minutes to 59 minutes, inclusive? - i.e. 5 ≤ x ≤ 59

            But, yeah, either way, like Egis says, we need some clarification on the way an increment is considered.

            I wanted to check the CFC handbook, but for some reason, the online version is totally garbled:

            What do you see on your browser when you go to http://chess.ca/handbook#section-4 ?
            Marcus Wilker
            Annex Chess Club
            Toronto, Ontario


            • #7
              Quick Chess

              Hi Bindi and Bob G:

              For CFC purposes now, Quick Ratings cover time control Game/5 min ( and an increment is mentioned in the motion of Game/3 with 2 sec., as Egis noted, as far as I remember ) to Game/59.

              Organizers may refer to Game/5 still as " Blitz " in their advertising, but there no longer is a CFC Blitz rating list. It has been discontinued in favour of the new Quick Chess rating list, which now includes Game/5 min.

              Bob A


              • #8
                Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

                Originally posted by Marcus Wilker View Post
                What do you see on your browser when you go to http://chess.ca/handbook#section-4 ?
                Use IE if you are brave enough :D


                • #9
                  Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

                  I imagine if G/3'+2" is included, it's because it still gives at least 5 minutes for a 60-move game. If that's the logic, G/4'+1" should be included too.
                  Last edited by Marcus Wilker; Monday, 26th March, 2012, 11:44 AM.
                  Marcus Wilker
                  Annex Chess Club
                  Toronto, Ontario


                  • #10
                    Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

                    Originally posted by Marcus Wilker View Post
                    I imagine if G/5'+2" is included, it's because it still gives at least 5 minutes for a 60-move game. If that's the logic, G/4'+1" should be included too.
                    You mean "G/3'+2", but yes, that is the logic, as far as I can tell.


                    • #11
                      Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

                      Originally posted by John Coleman View Post
                      You mean "G/3'+2", but yes, that is the logic, as far as I can tell.
                      Thanks - I made the correction.
                      Marcus Wilker
                      Annex Chess Club
                      Toronto, Ontario


                      • #12
                        Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

                        Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                        Bindi, the CFC Quick Rating system is for games between 5 and 59 minutes.
                        Blitz is still Blitz, 5 minutes.
                        Oh ya my bad, I meant CFC quick rating system, I was just pointing out the huge range of time controls that are covered under this system as a differentiating point.
                        Shameless self-promotion on display here


                        • #13
                          Re: Quick Chess

                          Originally posted by Bob Armstrong View Post
                          Organizers may refer to Game/5 still as " Blitz " in their advertising, but there no longer is a CFC Blitz rating list. It has been discontinued in favour of the new Quick Chess rating list, which now includes Game/5 min.

                          Bob A
                          Bob A. - not quite accurate. I hear rumours about some old CFC blitz rating list, but I have never seen one.

                          The new CFC Quick Rating System (5 min - 59 min) is replacing the old CFC Active Rating System (30 minutes). Right?

                          In fact, it still reads as Active Rating on the CFC website.
                          Last edited by Bob Gillanders; Monday, 26th March, 2012, 01:44 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Quick Chess

                            Originally posted by Bob Gillanders View Post
                            Bob A. - not quite accurate. I hear rumours about some old CFC blitz rating list, but I have never seen one.

                            The new CFC Quick Rating System (5 min - 59 min) is replacing the old CFC Active Rating System (30 minutes). Right?

                            In fact, it still reads as Active Rating on the CFC website.
                            The only old blitz rating system I'm aware of is the World Blitz Chess Association that Walter Browne set up. The Hamilton club used it for about a year. I think I'm still about 1800 on that rating system.


                            • #15
                              Re: Poll (Blitz ratings)

                              There was a Canadian Open Speed Championship during the 2006 Canadian Open in Kitchener. It was supposed to be officially rated speed chess - whatever happened to that result???

