onlinetroubles in Dresden

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  • onlinetroubles in Dresden

    Hi Folks
    It is 2am in Dresden and have spent the ast hour with the hotel tech staff trying to get on line. Their service provider has router problems so I am literally typing from behind the reception desk. They tell me that tomorrow should be better.

    I have some reoprts to post but I must wait until tomorrow morning. So sorry for this delay. The team chemistry is excellent on both squads. Despite the losses today everyone remains upbeat.

  • #2
    Re: onlinetroubles in Dresden

    My luck with Internet and Olympiads has been spotty, too.

    In 1994 there was a communication problem that Internet might have solved.

    In 1996 I was invited to play on the team, but the Business Office sent the invite to an old (invalid) address from their address book rather than the current address that we were corresponding on for other matters. So I ended up arbiting and doing the journalist thing. At Yerevan there was a press room, but understandably no internet at the hotel.

    In 2000 the press room provided modem hookups, but no Internet. I had taken the care to sign up with a Turkish ISP before coming to Istanbul, but was unable to connect. So that left the "free" service of the Turkish telco. Throughput in many cases was on the order of 1 byte per second!

    In 2004 the press room had decent ethernet internet connection (though you had to choose your moments because at times all the jacks were in use), but the Olympiad's servers could not keep up with the load. Smart users got their results directly from the Austrian site. I noticed that Dresden is framing the Austrian site. A good move.

    About a decade ago, I played in an invitational tournament. In an earlier tournament in the same series, one of the invitees had been a German player. Whenever something was not "just so", he would endear himself to the organizers with a certain phrase. So even a year later, they would occasionally quip: "Zees could never happen in Germany." Something to say to yourself when a round is postponed or internet doesn't work. And keep smiling.

