Chess in the Library 3rd Annual Festival

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  • Chess in the Library 3rd Annual Festival

    In a blink of an eye, it's been already 3 years since I first founded this program back in 2009! Firstly, I'd like to thank all of our sponsors, donors, chesstalk readers, blog followers for their continuous support! As of today, we have successful expanded the program to 31 locations across the nation with locations in Toronto, Ottawa, Barrie, Newmarket, London, Vaughan, Calgary, Victoria and Washington D.C. Without your support, we could not have made it this far.

    To celebrate Chess in the Library's 3 years of existence, the 2011-2012 CITL Executive Board and staff members have been working hard the past month to bring you our 3rd Annual Festival. The main event will be an exclusive CITL tournament, where representatives of different CITL locations gather together to complete for the best team prizes. There will also be many side activities this year, to be announced shortly. Check out the details for this amazing event below! If you want to play, you must register through one of our participating libraries. See for a full list of our locations.

    When: Saturday, June 30th, 2012 from 11:45am – 4:30 pm

    Where: North York Central Library, Auditorium (5120 Yonge St, Toronto, ON)

    Style: Individual & team competition: you will be representing team <>. To form a team in a given section, there must be a minimum of 3 players representing the same library.

    Rating: Players with a CMA rating of 1100+ must play in the Open section. All games will be CMA rated.

    Sections: Grade 3 & Under, Grade 6 & Under, Open (for everyone & students Grade 12 and Under)

    Event Schedule:

    11:00am – 11:30 pm Check-in
    11:30pm – 12:15 pm Opening Ceremony
    12:15 pm – 4:00 pm Tournament Games
    4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Closing Ceremony & Awards

    Entry Fee: FREE! Donations are welcome!

    Registration: Submit completed entry forms (can be obtained at any of our locations) to your local librarian by June 23rd (deadline)

    Info: Contact your local librarian first, and then email if necessary. Also check out our website for information on side events

    Prizes: There will be trophies, medallions and chess books given out to top three individuals and top three teams in each section. A large annual trophy, donated by the Southam family, will be awarded to the top team in the Open section.

    Chess in the Library is able to bring to our community completely free chess tournaments like this one because of the donations that we receive. Expenses for chess sets, clocks, trophies, medals, book prizes, certificates, ratings, etc do add up to quite a lot and we sincerely hope that you can help contribute to the cause. This year, we are also inviting the players and volunteers from nearby cities' libraries (Ottawa, London, Newmarket, Vaughan) to join our festival here in Toronto and we would like to cover their minimal travel expenses.

    Our goal is to raise $2000 by the end of this year to fully fund this event and if you believe in what we do for the community, we hope that you can show some support. Your donation does not have to be in a monetary form - it can be used chess sets, clocks, trophies, books - anything chess related! We also made the donation process much easier by adding a donation button on our website. Now you can donate by paypal on our new website! :) If you don't have paypal, you can contact me through A small donation such as $5 will make a huge difference!

    Thank you everyone! From the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate all the support you've given us thus far! :)


    P.S. We are hoping to get some media coverage for this event to further promote the image of chess to the general public. If anyone has any contacts in this industry, would you mind helping us out? I have the press release written. Thank you soooo much!
    Last edited by Yuanling Yuan; Monday, 11th June, 2012, 12:43 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Chess in the Library 3rd Annual Festival

    Congratulations Yuanling!

    I think this endeavour is a most admirable one and it has certainly come a long way. I think it's more than commendable when someone with a small idea but big aspirations actually follows through.

    I have seen (and heard!) of your great successes thus far and wish you more of the same in coming years.



    • #3
      Re: Chess in the Library 3rd Annual Festival

      This looks like it's going to be an even bigger, better, and more exciting event than last year! Furthermore, this year, Candidate Master Mike Ivanov will be playing a chess simul against 20 players at a time.

      Looking back, CITL has grown so much over these short three years! I would just like to congratulate and applaud Yuanling on all the hard work and effort she has contributed in order to build and bring this amazing program to where it is today!

      I look forward to CITL's bright future and ever-expanding horizons!


      • #4
        Re: Chess in the Library 3rd Annual Festival

        Wow. Can't believe it's been 2 years already since the first CITL annual festival and even more time since the program was started. An amazing initiative really - I hope kids all across the city will again jump at a chance to play in a free and rated chesst tournament!

        Who's winning it this year? I recall NYCL won last year in the team standings. Time for an overthrowing anybody?

