New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

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  • New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

    After the registration closed, 2012 CYCC had 193 kids registered to play in the most important youth chess tournament in Canada.

    During the games, you can take a pick in the tournament hall.

    You can find pairings here.

    You can find results here.

    As you might notice already, boys (6 players) and girls under 18 (two players) are in one combined section and they will play a round robin format.

    Under 8 girls (5 players) and under 14 girls (5 players) will play a double round robin (3 rounds a day).

    Under 16 girls (4 players) will play a double round robin.

  • #2
    Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

    Congratulations on the excellent turnout!
    The live webcam into the playing hall is a nice touch. :)


    • #3
      Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

      Originally posted by Andrei Botez View Post
      After the registration closed, 2012 CYCC had 193 kids registered to play in the most important youth chess tournament in Canada.

      During the games, you can take a pick in the tournament hall.

      You can find pairings here.

      You can find results here.

      As you might notice already, boys (6 players) and girls under 18 (two players) are in one combined section and they will play a round robin format.

      Under 8 girls (5 players) and under 14 girls (5 players) will play a double round robin (3 rounds a day).

      Under 16 girls (4 players) will play a double round robin.
      B.C. kids make their moves at nationals

      Hundreds compete for a chance to play at the world championships in Slovenia

      By Michael V'inkin Lee, Vancouver Sun July 4, 2012

      Read more:


      • #4
        Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

        The attendancee may be high but it is deceptive. It is called the Canadian Jr Ch. but besides participant from BC and Ontario only few from other areas.
        And among these 193 participants, the majority are immigrants. If we substract the Chineses participants, the attendancee will be ridiculously low.

        BC players are paying big $$ to play in a semi-local tournament.

        Clearly Chess in Canda continue to deteriorate


        • #5
          Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

          Originally posted by Luc Poitras View Post
          The attendancee may be high but it is deceptive. It is called the Canadian Jr Ch. but besides participant from BC and Ontario only few from other areas.
          And among these 193 participants, the majority are immigrants.
          While the names are not Smith and Jones most of the 19 Windsor kids are born here as far as I know so cannot be considered immigrants. In many cases even the parents were born here.

          If we substract the Chineses participants, the attendancee will be ridiculously low.
          Fortunately, we don't have to subtract the participants of Chinese heritage so the attendance is ridiculously high.

          BC players are paying big $$ to play in a semi-local tournament.
          The Ontario players are paying even bigger $$ to play in a national championship which happens to be held in BC.

          Clearly Chess in Canda continue to deteriorate
          We have a record attendance for a non-Ontario CYCC. How is that a deterioration in any way? Your implication seems to be that attendees only count if they come from the "right" ethnic background. Perhaps that is not what you wish to communicate but that is how it is coming across to me and probably to others.


          • #6
            Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

            Mr Vlad - I hope I didnt hurt your feeling with my comment about immigrants. I live in BC and all me best friends are immigrants. I consider myself an immigrant myself in some way as I am French Canadian from Mtl and speak really poorly English.

            Even the legend GM Kevin Spraggett did make some comments about chess an Canadian immigrant in this interview (in french).


            I think the Chinese people are changing the face of Canadian Chess. :-) and the organizers owe them a big thank you.

            Thx for sharing your point of view


            • #7
              Re : Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

              Originally posted by Luc Poitras View Post
              The attendancee may be high but it is deceptive. It is called the Canadian Jr Ch. but besides participant from BC and Ontario only few from other areas.
              And among these 193 participants, the majority are immigrants. If we substract the Chineses participants, the attendancee will be ridiculously low.

              BC players are paying big $$ to play in a semi-local tournament.

              Clearly Chess in Canada continue to deteriorate
              One could also point out, not me, of course, that Quebec does not have even one single participant in this "national" championship, either from asian bakground or otherwise! Some people will consider that pointing this out is politically incorrect, but the fact remains that the CYCC formula is defective if distance and costs prevent one of the most important province in Canada (chesswise) to send even one representative. It is also a sign that more and more parents, at least in Quebec, are increasingly aware of the real value of these "open" national championships. And personnally I don't find the figure 193 to be that impressive for what is actually 12 distinct events! That is 16 players per event. What is impressive though, is the kind of money those parents coming from outside B.C. are willing to spend for their kids.
              No need to explain or excuse yourself Luc. You make some excellent points even if some people will do their best to understand it the wrong way.


              • #8
                Re: Re : Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

                Trust the Chesstalkers to find the scorched lining in a good-news story!

                Seriously... sure there is always room for improvement, but I fail to see how setting an attendance record of sorts is in any way a bad thing. Build upon the good rather than trying to tear it down!

                If the CYCC is in Ottawa next year perhaps some players from Quebec will decide to attend!

                P.S. Jean it's one event with 12 sections, not 12 distinct events.
                Christopher Mallon
                FIDE Arbiter


                • #9
                  Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

                  Originally posted by Luc Poitras View Post
                  Mr Vlad - I hope I didnt hurt your feeling with my comment about immigrants. I live in BC and all me best friends are immigrants.
                  I apologize if I misconstrued your comments. I have heard similar comments which were intentionally meant to be unpleasant. My parents told me stories about how they were treated by certain people and it still annoys me greatly.


                  • #10
                    Re: New attendance record for CYCC (non Ontario edition)

                    Originally posted by Luc Poitras View Post
                    The attendancee may be high but it is deceptive. It is called the Canadian Jr Ch. but besides participant from BC and Ontario only few from other areas.
                    And among these 193 participants, the majority are immigrants. If we substract the Chineses participants, the attendancee will be ridiculously low.

                    BC players are paying big $$ to play in a semi-local tournament.

                    Clearly Chess in Canda continue to deteriorate
                    I agree. Gotta get the white kids playing if you want chess to be popular in Canada. Chess is currently not 'cool' and also easily discouraging when you're competing in a super-competitive environment with all Chinese whom have lots of pressure from their parents to do well. I would have never gotten into chess in at atmosphere like that. I hope for one day our Olympiad team to have more homegrown players predominantly without a chess background. That would be a nice indicator of some growth in popularity.


                    • #11
                      Yoo Hoo Chris Mallon and/or Larry Bevand

                      Originally posted by Eric Hansen View Post
                      I agree. Gotta get the white kids playing if you want chess to be popular in Canada. Chess is currently not 'cool' and also easily discouraging when you're competing in a super-competitive environment with all Chinese whom have lots of pressure from their parents to do well. I would have never gotten into chess in at atmosphere like that. I hope for one day our Olympiad team to have more homegrown players predominantly without a chess background. That would be a nice indicator of some growth in popularity.
                      Chris and/or Larry, either:

                      a) I'm horribly misinterpreting Hansen's post, or;

                      b) Hansen means well but has a very difficult time trying to express his thoughts accurately in English, or;

                      c) Hansen's post is really offensive.

                      Unfortunately, I'm thinking that c) is the right answer. How about deleting his piece of crap post?
                      "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office." - Aesop
                      "Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato
                      "If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination." - Thomas De Quincey


                      • #12
                        Re: Yoo Hoo Chris Mallon and/or Larry Bevand

                        Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                        Chris and/or Larry, either:

                        a) I'm horribly misinterpreting Hansen's post, or;

                        b) Hansen means well but has a very difficult time trying to express his thoughts accurately in English, or;

                        c) Hansen's post is really offensive.

                        Unfortunately, I'm thinking that c) is the right answer. How about deleting his piece of crap post?
                        Or d) he was trying to be funny. But in any case, I'm not a mod anymore, and I got in trouble the one and only time I ever was accused of deleting a post :p
                        Christopher Mallon
                        FIDE Arbiter


                        • #13
                          Re: Yoo Hoo Chris Mallon and/or Larry Bevand

                          Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                          Chris and/or Larry, either:

                          a) I'm horribly misinterpreting Hansen's post, or;

                          b) Hansen means well but has a very difficult time trying to express his thoughts accurately in English, or;

                          c) Hansen's post is really offensive.

                          Unfortunately, I'm thinking that c) is the right answer. How about deleting his piece of crap post?
                          Hi Peter,

                          I am also of the same opinion. Maybe I am also horribly misinterpreting Hansen's post as well, but also thinking of option 'c' at the moment.

                          ....and this Hansen guy got picked to represent Canada at upcoming Olympics . Give me a break!


                          • #14
                            Re: Yoo Hoo Chris Mallon and/or Larry Bevand

                            Originally posted by Mikhail Egorov View Post
                            Give me a break!


                            • #15
                              Re : Yoo Hoo Chris Mallon and/or Larry Bevand

                              Originally posted by Peter McKillop View Post
                              Chris and/or Larry, either:

                              a) I'm horribly misinterpreting Hansen's post, or;

                              b) Hansen means well but has a very difficult time trying to express his thoughts accurately in English, or;

                              c) Hansen's post is really offensive.

                              Unfortunately, I'm thinking that c) is the right answer. How about deleting his piece of crap post?
                              May I be explained what bothers you that much in Hansen's post, to the point that no eyes should apparently be exposed to it ? Probably "white kids" is not exactly the most politically correct choice of words, but the real point, I think, is that whatever "success" Canada has in its youth program, it stands almost entirely on immigration rather than useful chess policies.

