pgn file for the Canadian Open

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  • pgn file for the Canadian Open

    a pgn file with all the available games can be found at

  • #2
    Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

    I have isolated the 269 games from the Premier Section and have made the names consistent with each other (using the form on the Monroi website when needed), here: I have not, however, made the ratings consistent or indicated FIDE vs. CFC ratings.

    It appears about 40 games would be needed to make a full set. Congratulations on an event which I enjoyed following remotely; I am unable to visit the Toronto International but will be in town for a demonstration of robotic chess at the AAAI 2012 conference, Tue July 24th 5-7pm, at the downtown Sheraton Centre. I do not know if it is open to the public.
    Last edited by Kenneth Regan; Monday, 16th July, 2012, 06:17 PM. Reason: addednote about ratings


    • #3
      Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

      Wow. Great job. The correct spellings follow:

      Janak Awatramani
      David R Bragg (USCF spelling - the USCF does not use a period with the initial it seems)
      Jack (Kun) Cheng
      Kristijan Gjorgjevik
      Lenard Grossman
      YiFei Han
      Yiming Han
      Kelsey Hannan
      Philip Harris
      Omar Jessa
      Daniel Kazmaier
      David Kenney
      Jason Kenney
      George Kosinski
      Kevin Li
      Malik Lindholdt
      Hemant Persaud
      Andrew M Smith (with 5 Andrew Smiths on the CFC list, I would recommend that this be the spelling for Mr Smith, if it is correct)
      Pavel Trochtchanovitch
      Ruining (Ray) Wu
      Ray Yearwood

      I have used CFC, USCF or Monroi site spellings here.

      By the way, I've found a couple of duplicates so far: Ozkan-Chen and MacKinnon-Smith.
      Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


      • #4
        Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

        Thanks. I have made the applicable changes from your list---I trust you meant Roy not Ray Yearwood (Roy Yearwood is also his handle). I'd already eliminated the two duplicates from my version; Ozkan-Chan and Ozkan-Chen are different games. I've brought this also to the attention of TWIC (Mark Crowther). I still have not fixed the ratings.


        • #5
          Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

          Originally posted by Kenneth Regan View Post
          AAAI 2012 conference
          At the AAAI conference, there will be a computer poker tournament; its seventh. I usually try to make it every year. I'll be there once again this year.

          Last edited by Normand Arsenault; Monday, 16th July, 2012, 08:37 PM.


          • #6
            Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

            MacKinnon-Erichsen and Plotkin-Erichsen were also duplicates from Roger's list. For some strange reason I have 271 games in the Premier Section. hmm.
            Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


            • #7
              Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

              Hemant Persaud played in both the Premier and a lower section---you may have pulled some of his lower-section games. Originally I had 272, in fact. What I did was keep generating a crosstable with ChessBase and looking at the players shown with 1--3 games until I got the crosstable down to the same 78 players shown by Monroi. Clyde Chen seems to have only 1 game in the file.


              • #8
                Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

                Ok, you're probably right but I have 5 games with Daniluk; you only seem to have 3.
                Dogs will bark, but the caravan of chess moves on.


                • #9
                  Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

                  Ah---you are right; I must have just blipped over his two White games while extracting the Premier ones. I have added them to my copies of the file, including the one I posted above. Thanks!


                  • #10
                    Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

                    I have 333 games - that is before checking for games that might be in the lower sections, and some that I may have missed from Monroi.


                    • #11
                      Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

                      The file Roger posted has 336, but it's 333 after removing duplicates---so yours may be the same.


                      • #12
                        Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

                        I am standardizing all the name spellings to those on the crosstables posted on the Monroi site. Roger (or anyone) - please let me know if any of those spellings are incorrect.

                        I am also using the pre-tournament ratings as supplied on the same crosstables.


                        • #13
                          Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

                          The site has been updated to include crosstables for the blitz, bughouse, and main event (include origin of the players if that is interesting to you), Brian Fiedler's presentation on finding sponsorship, as well as pgn files for the main event and a separate one for the games from the Nakamura simul.

                          Names of the players for two of the bughouse teams are missing - if you happen to know who they are, post it here or let me know.

                          The event report (being written) will be eventally posted at this site.



                          • #14
                            Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

                            The final event report has been posted at:


                            Includes links to a wide range of stuff.


                            • #15
                              Re: pgn file for the Canadian Open

                              Is there a video of the champion where he talks about the tournament?


