New way to link to tournaments or cross-tables

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  • New way to link to tournaments or cross-tables

    Some chess fans may have noticed at that there is is an option to view recent entire tournaments as a list:

    In addition to archiving a history of the world championship matches, they have started to test displays of other cross-table formats of other historic tournaments, instead of mere matches, and the few first ones that are able for viewing (for now) would look similar to: - so that fans could comment on the entire tournament, submit a correction form of things like missing round dates, or if they also had an upgraded membership, could also click a download tournament pgn file button.

    With the thanks of allowing game submissions of Hal Bond's Guelph and people like Patrick McDonald's Kitchener tournaments to appear here, these too may also appear in a similar format. Hopefully these types of links would turn out to be useful to a CCN editorial team, or others such as the Budapest or Toronto chess news teams.

    A brown summary header also appears there for their site's editorial staff ( ) to report the finer details of the tournament, such as who was running away to the final round with a lead, or whether a different rating system was used for seeding the pairings, or what the time controls used were. Some fans have also asked about choosing a viewer that makes it easy to see a small number of games on a page list or like to use a different default viewer, and at those can be adjusted for those who wish to explore the site in subsequent depth.
    Last edited by Kai G. Gauer; Friday, 2nd November, 2012, 01:14 PM. Reason: Corrected a grammar error