Chess Tax Credit

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  • #46
    Re: Chess Tax Credit

    Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
    That's what financial statements are for.
    The Fin.Report by the ExDir. was prepared for Governors. They new about the CRA matters. I don't think that a director had more information to add.

    Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
    You're just making me more likely to put in a FOI request to CRA to access the entire file to get the total picture. As an interested member of the public. I don't think you really want to do that, when I get onto something I don't stop until all avenues are totally exhausted.
    You are more than welcome to do that (FOI). Please report back your results.

    Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
    Where in all that you have quoted is a satisfactory explanation given by the CFC? Nowhere in my humble opinion. The link from the CRA is a statement by the CRA not the CFC, chesstalk is not a CFC official forum. The CRA link does not give a reason. The line from Bob G is not an explanation as to why.
    You should read more GL. 2010/11 year.


    • #47
      Re: Chess Tax Credit

      Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
      The Fin.Report by the ExDir. was prepared for Governors. They new about the CRA matters. I don't think that a director had more information to add.

      You are more than welcome to do that (FOI). Please report back your results.

      You should read more GL. 2010/11 year.
      Really? In your opinion the CFC does not need to report its finances to other stakeholders such as CFC members? It only has to report to the Governors. I guess you and I have totally different concepts of fiduciary responsibilities and the financial reporting requirements of a non-profit organization to any interested parties. Are you including the Governors who never vote and never comment on any issues in this knowledge circle? First you tell me it wasn't ignored in the financials, now you tell me it was.

      You might just want to stretch your imagination a little and consider that others outside the circle of Governors and Exec might have a legitimate right to complete financial statements. With that kind of viewpoint I am starting to think the CFC's days as a non-profit are also numbered. Your attitude also suggests to me that there may be a climate of lack of concern about keeping CFC members informed. Exactly why a FOI request may prove interesting. What else have the exec told the governor's that CFC members have not been informed of because according to yo only the Governors need to know?
      Last edited by Zeljko Kitich; Monday, 19th November, 2012, 12:04 PM.


      • #48
        Re: Chess Tax Credit

        Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
        What else have the exec told the governor's that CFC members have not been informed of because according to yo only the Governors need to know?
        All CFC governor meetings are open and online now so you just have to look at the relevant meeting to see for yourself what the governors know. The governors letters are what reported the results of all meetings prior to this new policy of open meetings. They are posted for all to see on the CFC website. Having full access to online meetings seems to me to be preferable as it will allow CFC members and interested third parties access to everything that goes on at online meetings during and after the meeting.


        • #49
          Re: Chess Tax Credit

          Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
          Really? In your opinion the CFC does not need to report its finances to other stakeholders such as CFC members?
          The charitable status was reported in Newsletters.

          If you so concerned about the charitable status, you may help to obtain it back. Are you willing to help?

          Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
          First you tell me it wasn't ignored in the financials, now you tell me it was.
          Did you read those reports? Did you read what I wrote? :p

          Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
          With that kind of viewpoint I am starting to think the CFC's days as a non-profit are also numbered.
          It did not die in 2005-06 period, and it will never die :p


          • #50
            Re: Chess Tax Credit

            Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
            The charitable status was reported in Newsletters.

            If you so concerned about the charitable status, you may help to obtain it back. Are you willing to help?

            Did you read those reports? Did you read what I wrote? :p

            It did not die in 2005-06 period, and it will never die :p
            The last time I volunteered to help with anything CFC related I had to practically do a song and dance to convince Bob G that I was serious and then he never got back to me. In my opinion he called for a volunteer but didn't expect anyone to actually come forward as he wasn't actually serious about a WYCC audit. Just putting up a PR smoke screen. Just as you are to explain why the loss of charitable status was ignored in the financial statements. No one at the CFC including the governor's seems to be interested in regaining the status. So why the sudden interest whether I am willing to help out. Is there a serious effort underway that could use some help?

            So this time you'll have to convince me that you are serious. Then I'll consider whether I'm interested in helping out. First I will need to ensure myself that I know exactly the reasons in the first place as to why it was lost. I'm not convinced yet.

            I'm sure the CFC won't die but I am concerned that it will lose its non-profit status just as it did its charitable status.
            Last edited by Zeljko Kitich; Monday, 19th November, 2012, 12:44 PM.


            • #51
              Re: Chess Tax Credit

              Originally posted by Vlad Drkulec View Post
              All CFC governor meetings are open and online now so you just have to look at the relevant meeting to see for yourself what the governors know. The governors letters are what reported the results of all meetings prior to this new policy of open meetings. They are posted for all to see on the CFC website. Having full access to online meetings seems to me to be preferable as it will allow CFC members and interested third parties access to everything that goes on at online meetings during and after the meeting.
              So you expect anyone who wants a complete financial report to not only look at the financials but also to read a years worth of governors letters? You consider anything said by anyone at an online meeting to be an officIal pronouncement of the CFC?
              Last edited by Zeljko Kitich; Monday, 19th November, 2012, 12:42 PM.


              • #52
                Re: Chess Tax Credit

                Originally posted by Zeljko Kitich View Post
                So why the sudden interest whether I am willing to help out.
                You may a historian or you may be a history maker :D Now you are more like an archeologist who missed an expedition. Can you read between hieroglyphs in CRA and CFC papers?


                • #53
                  Re: Chess Tax Credit

                  Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                  You may a historian or you may be a history maker :D Now you are more like an archeologist who missed an expedition. Can you read between hieroglyphs in CRA and CFC papers?
                  Yup I got good marks in reading hieroglyphs or as we like to call it in accounting school, advanced auditing. Or as my OW clients used to call it 'things that affect my eligibility that my caseworker better not find out'. Although what secrets the CFC felt they needed to write in hieros is intriguing me right now. Cue the Indiana Jones music...
                  Last edited by Zeljko Kitich; Monday, 19th November, 2012, 01:20 PM.


                  • #54
                    Re: Chess Tax Credit

                    Originally posted by Egidijus Zeromskis View Post
                    In principle the coach should be somehow a registered person (a business), isn't?

                    ---Disclaimer - my questions are just get better understanding of a coach's legal life. I don't coach. Maybe in far future :D

                    In some circumstances, it is not necessary for a self-employed person to register as a business. It is necessary to register as a business in many circumstances, inlcuding for the purpose of collecting and remitting HST/GST, and for the purpose of employing people, amongst other reasons.

                    No matter how big and bad you are, when a two-year-old hands you a toy phone, you answer it.

